About Us: As described in our bylaws, the main purpose of University City Community Association (UCCA) is to:
- Provide and promote the civic, cultural, social, educational and recreational development and improvement of University City; and to
- Provide a forum where the interests of the residents may be expressed and contributions made to the protection of life and property in the community.
The purpose is also to:
- bring about civic betterment and social improvements for the community,
- encourage a sense of community by organizing events and celebrations, as well as
- identify issues or concerns of the population, and
- provide a meeting place to discuss said issues or concerns.
UCCA is a non-profit 501(c)4 organization funded primarily through membership dues. UCCA is the source for University City News.
- Bylaws updated November 2018: UCCA Bylaws approved November 2018
- Articles of Incorporation dated September 1969: Amended articles of incorporation (1969) as amended
- State of California Registration: For more information, search organization name “University City Community Association” on the State of California.
- Department of Justice Registry Search Tool: https://rct.doj.ca.gov/Verification/Web/Search.aspx?facility=Y
- Secretary of State Business Search: https://bizfileonline.sos.ca.gov/search/business
Request for Funding and/or Donation Request:
- Worthwhile member individuals or organizations may request funding from UCCA by completing and submitting a Request for Funding form and making a verbal presentation at a UCCA meeting.
- A verbal Request for Funding must be made during the open forum section UCCA’s monthly meetings.
- The Request for Funding form must be received at least 7 days prior to the verbal request.
- Request for Funding PDF document: UCCA-Request-for-Funding-PDF
- Request for Funding WORD document: UCCA-Request-for-Funding-WORD
2025 UCCA Board Members – elected November 2023 to a two-year term
Executive Board
- President: Jemma Samala
- Vice-President: Jim Beshears
- Secretary: Katie Rodolico
- Treasurer: Phil Fowler
Appointed Positions
- Beautification Chair: Merle Langston
- CASA Liaison/Corresponding Secretary/Newsletter Chair/Publicity & Promotion/Webmaster: Diane Ahern
- *Holiday Lighting: Darlene Ventimiglia
- *Historian: Greg Hom
- Membership: Open
- Neighborhood Watch: Barbara Gellman
- *Newsletter Distribution: Jemma Samala
- *Newsletter Ads: Terri Day
- *Newsletter Editor: Jemma Samala
- North UC Liaison: Bill Beck
- Parliamentarian/SD Network of Town Councils: Mack Langston
- Past-President: Diane Ahern
- *Special Events: Barry Bernstein
- *UCPG Liaison: Katie Rodolico
Other Volunteers
- *Wendy Lee: Street Banners
- *Vince Reardon: Newsletter Committee
*Non-Voting Position
UCCA membership dues: Your membership dues and donations help to support many local worthwhile organizations such public schools’ fundraising and events, EdUCate!, Parks Council, Library Friends; special projects and activities such as street median beautification, neighborhood watch, pedestrian and motorist safety, painted electrical boxes and street banners, 4th of July UC Celebration, Summer Concerts, and December Holiday Celebration with menorah and tree lighting. And, please, let’s not forget our monthly University City News print newsletter with hyper-local University City news and information you won’t find anywhere else; delivered to your south University City homes and/or business, libraries and recreation centers and posted on our website. Check out website and print newsletters for more information on ways that UCCA supports our University City community.
- 2025 Public UCCA Meetings: Please note that we are going to have public meetings every other month. The UCCA board will have board-only working meetings in the alternate months. Information about meetings and events is available on our website and in our newsletters.
- UCCA will continue “One-on-One” talks – one person, one topic of concern to the community. If that is something you, or your public official, would be interested in, please contact president Jemma Samala. The format would be one hour long, including a Q&A at the end. Dates and times are flexible.
- Email: universitycitynews@gmail.com
- Mailing Address: University City Community Association (UCCA), 3298 Governor Dr, #22574, San Diego, CA 92122
- Voice Mail: 858-412-0786
- Contact Us: https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/
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