March 15 2024 – Message to University City


From the UCPG (planning group) chair Chris Nielsen: The revised University Community Plan Update and Environmental Impact Report will be released on Thursday, March 14, 2024. Public comments on both the DEIR and Revised Plan Update will be due on Monday April 29. Comments from the UCPG will be due Wednesday, May 15 or Thursday, May 16.

Timeline for CPU review:

  • Plan Update / DEIR Release: Thursday, March 14 or Friday, March 15
  • City Planning Department Presentation: UCPG meeting, Tuesday, April 9
  • CPUS / Public meeting (Zoom): Tuesday, April 16
  • Public Comments DEIR / Plan Update Due: Monday, April 29
  • UCPG meeting: Tuesday, May 14
  • UCPG Comments DEIR / Plan Update Due: Wednesday, May 15 or Thursday, May 16

All Planning Department documents may be found on when they are released.

For related Community Plan Update news from UCCA,

March 14 UCCA Update: Hello University City! This message is from corresponding secretary Diane Ahern with some breaking University City News. Today, I have several quick (and very important) updates for you:

  1. Updated CPU:  As of March 14, the March 2024 Draft Community Plan Update and the Draft EIR are available for public review at:
  2. Timeline for CPU and DEIR review and comment:
  3. Spring Egg Hunts:  Both Nobel and Standley Recreation Centers will host Spring Festivals this year. Take a look at:
  4. Street Median on Governor Makeover: UCCA is helping clean and spruce up the vegetated street median on Governor at Radcliffe with the help of a grant from the County Board of Supervisors. Work is scheduled for the week of March 18, 2024.
  5. Jemma (UCCA president) at Starbucks, on Saturday, March 16 from 9 to 11; stop by the Starbucks on Governor Drive to share your suggestions and a cup of coffee.
  6. EdUCate! Taste of the Triangle, Friday, March 22.Details at:
  7. Fire Prevention and Smoke Detector Giveaway:  The University City Fire Safe Council will host an information session followed by smoke detector giveaway on Saturday, March 23, at 1 PM. Details at:

There’s a lot going on in University City and one of the best ways to stay informed is to read the University City News and visit UCCA’s University City News page frequently. You can also contact us via email at:

For the most up-to-date information, news, and events, visit the University City News and social sites.
