From SANDAG Newsletter – January 2023: A new California law—Assembly Bill 2949—went into effect in the new year. It grants qualifying veterans of the U.S. armed forces free tolls on all California toll roads, bridges, highways, vehicle crossings, and other toll facilities.
To be eligible for the toll exemption, U.S. military veterans must have both of the following:
- A SANDAG FasTrak account
- A specialty license plate with one of the qualifying designations on their registered vehicles
- Eligible license plates include the following designations:
- Disabled Veteran
- Congressional Medal of Honor
- Legion of Valor
- Pearl Harbor Survivor
- Ex-Prisoner of War
- Purple Heart
In the San Diego region, this benefit includes a 100% discount on the SR 125 Toll Road.
- To learn more about FasTrak for Veterans, visit: https://sandag.org/FasTrakVeterans
- For more SANDAG news, visit: https://mailchi.mp/sandag/sandag-newsletter-january-707159?e=ea89c4104e
- For more from UCCA (University City News), visit: https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/transportation/