CA Primary Election March 5: Attn Nonpartisan Voters – What You Need to Know to Vote for President


The California Presidential Primary Election is March, 5, 2024. Now is the time to check your voter registration status. Go to:

Information compiled from the County News Center: Calling all registered nonpartisan voters! If you want to vote for president in the March 5, 2024 primary election, you must inform the Registrar’s office which crossover party ballot you want by January 5 so it is included in the initial mailing of ballots going out the week of February 4.

Otherwise, you will automatically receive a nonpartisan ballot in the mail, and it will not show the presidential primary contest or candidates.

The Registrar’s office sent the County’s nearly 490,000 nonpartisan registered voters a pre-paid return postcard requesting their selection of crossover ballot for the March 5, 2024 primary election.

Residents can check their voter registration status anytime to make sure it is current, and that they are eligible to vote in the next election. Residents should be registered to vote at least 15 days before an election. For the March 5 primary election, the registrar’s office encourages residents to do so well before February 20 to avoid delays and long lines at vote centers.

Not sure which political party you’re registered with or if you’re registered to vote? You can check your registration, re-register and register to vote at:

Learn more about voting in the March 5 presidential primary:


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