Hello University City, April has been jam packed with meetings…
Yes, yes…I know the month is almost over, but I did want to wait until we finished a few key meetings.

The first weekend of April kicked off with an excellent “What You Need to Know” presentation by UCCA Secretary and UCPG Liaison Katie Rodolico about the University Community Plan Update released on March 14. Katie provided a well-researched and detailed discussion about the current plan proposal and what was and was not revised form the previous proposal. Watch the April 6 meeting here: https://www.universitycitynews.org/UCCA/SatApr6WhatYouNeed
Next the University Community Planning Group (UCPG) had a hybrid meeting on April 9 with the key presentation being from the Planning Group. You can view that meeting here: https://www.universitycitynews.org/UCCA/Apr9UCPG
Then there was another meeting, held via Zoom, from the Community Plan Update Subcommittee (CPUS), to yes, also talk about the current plan proposal. That meeting can be seen at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/UCCA/CPUSApr2024
And this past Monday, April 22, UCCA held our One & One discussion with Kent Lee. While we focused on a number of issues of concern to our neighborhood, such as: library expansion and upkeep funding; public safety, including funding of our police and fire resources; and Costa Verde and Pure Water construction; you betcha we also talked about…the University Community Plan Update. We had a standing room only crowd, and it was satisfying to see so many people from the community come out and listen to what Councilmember Lee views are on these issues, and in return for him to listen to the concerns of the residents. He also heard about concerns on topics that may not necessarily be on the forefront of our minds, such as upkeep of the North University City dog parks and the effects of Short-Term Vacation Rentals. If you were unable to join us, you can see the recording at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/UCCA/CMKentLeeApr22
I bring up all these meetings where the current plan update was discussed, because the deadline to submit comments is fast approaching – Monday, April 29, 2024!!! Yes – this Monday.
To be heard, please make sure to make specific and detailed comments. Refer to page numbers in the Plan Update and/or EIR (Environmental Impact Report) whenever you can. Do not ask questions. They are past that stage. I know they are long documents, and quite frankly, I have not read the entire documents. But go to the sections that are of issue to you the most, and comment on about those pages. And don’t forget, if there is something about about the plan that you like, you can make positive comments too.
- Where to find the policy document: https://www.planuniversity.org/
- How to comment on the Draft Plan Update document: email to planuniversity@sandiego.gov before 4/29/2024
- Where to find the Environmental Impact Report (EIR): https://www.sandiego.gov/ceqa/draft
- How to comment on the EIR: email to planningceqa@sandiego.gov before 4/29/2024
If you haven’t become a paid member of UCCA for 2024, please do so and help us support bringing the issues to the community. Send in a check or go to: www.universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/.
Save the date for our next General UCCA Meeting on May 8, 5:30pm at the library on Governor Drive to hear about local issues and share your voice. I feel privileged to serve such a passionate community, such as University City. You are all what makes it so special to fight for.
Jemma Samala
UCCA President
Thinking Locally, Acting Neighborly