Morning of Saturday, March 2nd, 2024: Free / No-Cost Dumpster Day in D6 University City
The Office of Councilmember Kent Lee invites constituents to a community clean-up where residents can dispose of oversized trash or recyclables. Dumpster Days are hosted at no cost courtesy of donations and volunteers from the local community in an initiative to reduce illegal dumping.
Pre-registration is required. Registration is on a first-come, first served basis and registrations will close once capacity is reached. Confirmed registrants will then receive instructions via email, including timeslot and location.
Disclaimer: we cannot accommodate everyone; however, we hope to explore more future events upon community feedback. If you have any questions please email Jermaine Rocacorba, Council Representative, at jrocacorba@sandiego.gov . Please expect 3-5 business days for a response to your inquiry. Thank you!
Registration is now open at : https://bit.ly/dumpsterdayd6