The University Community Planning Group UCPG will meet on Tuesday, April 11, at 6 PM, in a hybrid format with a Zoom option available. Please note that seating is limited at the in-person meeting location, therefore community members are highly encouraged to participate virtually on Zoom.
Agenda with Zoom information is posted on the City website at: https://www.sandiego.gov/sites/default/files/2023_04_11_agenda_uc.pdf
From Chris Nielsen, UCPG Chair: UCPG Board Members are REQUIRED to attend in-person. Plan Update Subcommittee members MAY attend in-person or may participate through Zoom.
There is limited seating for about 30 additional community members. The material is best viewed via Zoom. Please attend VIRTUALLY.
All meeting participants attending in-person or virtually must register. Register for the meeting here: https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/j/1618761443?pwd=WUtWUU9pMFJnMHI5T3Nnc0t5ZnhzUT09
At the April 11 meeting, we will have one action item, an existing Wireless Control Facility located at 6080 Miramar road among the commercial buildings east of Eastgate Mall. This WCF needs a community group recommendation as part of the renewal of its Conditional Use Permit. The applicants will be giving their presentation by zoom, something new we can offer. We have not received a draft of the presentation yet.
We will have a shortened list of reports, followed by the presentation of the Community Discussion Draft of the updated Community Plan. The Community Discussion Draft is available now at: https://www.planuniversity.org/
As you may recall from previous meetings, the UCPG will receive this Community Discussion Draft presentation on April 11, the plan update subcommittee (CPU) will discuss in detail for the next three plan update meetings beginning April 18. The UCPG will make comments for use by the city for the next Draft at its meeting in July.
- For more information, visit the City website: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
- For related information from UCCA, visit: https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpg/