Update 5/15/2024: The YouTube Zoom recording video of the May 14 UCPG meeting has been posted on the City’s YouTube Channel at:
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 – University Community Planning Group Meeting – Information from City Planning Department
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 – Information from UCPG Chair
PowerPoint slides that Andy Weise (CPUS Chair) used in the presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/
d/1bAa- rBWPMCgaD8tc7TkOlRuTEKZUdshf/ view?usp=sharing -
Final UCPG comment on the Draft plan submitted to Planning Department on May 15: https://drive.google.com/file/
d/1cPoYR3Tb9OSr6xCK-4dk_ LVnZgUh-BIg/view?usp=sharing
The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will host its Executive Committee Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, beginning at 6 PM. The meeting room and patio will be available at 5:30 PM.
This is a hybrid meeting with the UCPG board required to attend in-person but with the choice to participate in person or by Zoom for presenters and members of the public. This hybrid meeting will be recorded.
Please note: At 5:30, the meeting room will be available. Col. Bedell, base commander from MCAS Miramar, will be available in the meeting room or patio to greet community members and answer questions about MCAS Miramar operations and the base.
The in-person location is in the Alexandria Grad Labs building, 9880 Campus Pointe Drive, Third Floor Terra Nova Conference Room. The Zoom information is on the agenda and at the end of this post. The Agenda for this meeting is attached: 2024_05_14_Agenda_UC
From UCPG (planning group) chair Chris Nielsen: The UCPG will be meeting to discuss and approve a comment on the city’s draft community plan released March 17, 2024.
The Agenda for this meeting is attached: 2024_05_14_Agenda_UC
Meeting minutes from the April 9 UCPG meeting are attached. Thanks to Sasha Treadup for taking them: 2024_04_09_UCPG_Minutes_Draft
Minutes for the April 16 CPUS meeting are also available to view and are attached but won’t be approved at this time: CPUS Minutes 04 16 24 – Draft
Pure Water will not be presenting this month, but they do have an update. See the attached presentation: Pure Water Presentation_May 2024_UCPG
After reports, we have two action items on the agenda:
- Item 8: Approval of a timetable to hold UCPG elections for three residential seats for UCPG District 4, residents of UC San Diego, assuming approval of the new UCPG Operational Procedures and revisions to Council Policy 600-24 by City Council on May 21. Approval of a revised membership form that includes District 4. The revised membership form is attached. Elections are anticipated for October 2024, in accordance with the new Operational Procedures we assume will be adopted on May 21. Approval of a timeline is designed to provide certainty for District 4 residents.
- Item 9: Approval of a revised UCPG comment to City Planning for the second Draft of the University Community Plan and Draft EIR. Andy Wiese and Chris Nielsen, presenting. We expect to approve this comment to the city with modifications made during this item. Please see the agenda for the location of all the documents for this item, including the draft comment to be approved. The draft comment for the Draft EIR is not ready at this time and will be sent as soon as possible. We will approve this document as the UCPG’s comment on the Draft EIR.
- Please refer to the Meeting Agenda for information and links to supporting documents: https://www.universitycitynews.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024_05_14_Agenda_UC.pdf
- The UCPG-prepared revised comment for the Draft UC Plan, the UCPG-prepared comment report from July 2023 for the Community Discussion Draft; and the UCPG-prepared comparison between the Community Discussion Draft and the second Draft of the Plan Update are available on the agenda at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024_05_14_Agenda_UC.pdf
The Agenda for this meeting is also available on the City website at: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
To Use Zoom for this Hybrid Meeting:
Join ZoomGov Meeting: https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/j/1610593930?pwd=WFdJWm4wKzRWRnJzWGdtN3JkT1Jzdz09
Meeting ID: 161 059 3930
Passcode: qbv9UK
To join by your phone, find your local number:
Find your local number: https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/u/adCc7IXKFI
Meeting ID: 161 059 3930
Passcode: qbv9UK