Update 03/13/2024: The Zoom Recording of the Tuesday, March 12, UCPG meeting is now available. The recording captures some of the in-person chatter before the meeting and displays the Zoom closed caption features and the Zoom chat. To view the Zoom recording, copy the Passcode; then click on the Zoom recording link and enter the Passcode when prompted.
- Copy this Passcode : 9#N&6mUU
- Click on Zoom recording link and enter the Passcode when prompted : https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/3hTrSAkedSJWnUftfTGJxOS_iSDjNfy4Qi653U1CC2ccFrHkZJL2hw2sli1ACq4E.rA90bfkf1PsfYG2l
Please note that Zoom viewer may use the slide bar at the bottom of the viewing screen to fast forward the recording to the presentation and discussion of their choice. They can also adjust the speed and choose to view (or not) the close caption feature. The chat is searchable; but the close caption feature is not.
The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will host its Executive Committee Monthly Meeting in a hybrid format (in-person with Zoom option) on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 6 PM. The in-person location is at 9880 Campus Pointe Drive, Third Floor, Terra Nova Conference Room. The Zoom instructions for the online meeting are on page three (3) of the agenda and at the end of this post. This is a hybrid meeting with the UCPG board required to attend in-person. Presenters and members of the public may choose to participate in-person or by Zoom. For more information about the UCPG, visit: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
From UCPG (planning group) chair Chris Nielsen: I’ve attached the agenda for the UCPG meeting on March 12; available here: 2024_03_12_Agenda_UC
Don’t forget that UCPG voting is in progress now. See the first page of the agenda for voting procedures, both drop off and in person. Complete information is on the City website here : www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
We have one action item and several information items on the agenda for this meeting. Here is a summary:
- Agenda Item #7: Draft Plan and Draft EIR. We do not know the timing of the release of the Draft Plan and Draft EIR. Andy Wiese and I will be meeting with Coby Tomlins from the City Planning Department the afternoon of our UCPG meeting, March 12. We’ll discuss this meeting and other matters related to the Plan Update and DEIR release and our response. This is an action item in case the board wants to direct the Chair and Plan Update Subcommittee Chair to establish a meeting schedule or take other action to receive community input and approve comments to the city.
- Agenda Item #8: Inclusive Public Engagement Questionnaire. The City is creating a policy for how it does public engagement. This includes how information should be given and received, how meetings may be structured to receive meaningful feedback, and how the City should engage with CPGs and other community organizations. The Linda Vista CPG has completed their questionnaire. I have attached it as an example for you. Linda Vista CPG responses are identified as “Responses to Questions”. Please review the attached document in preparation for this item; available here: IPEG Worksheet with Responses from LVPG
- Agenda Item #9: The UC Fire Safe Council will present a short information item on a biological Vegetation Survey it commissioned for the UC area. The PowerPoint presentation is attached for your review; available at: UC Fire Safe Council Vegetation Survey
- Agenda Item #10: UCPG Election voting results. Anu Delouri will present the results of the UCPG election.
For more information about UCPG, visit: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
To Use Zoom for this Hybrid Meeting:
Chris Nielsen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: UCPG Meeting March 12, 2024
Time: Mar 12, 2024, 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81069668540?pwd=Nm84ZGU1QndRYTF6Sm9LdGJua2xUUT09
- Meeting ID: 810 6966 8540
- Passcode: 255917
To join by your phone, find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbt0bu5RdV
- Meeting ID: 810 6966 8540
- Passcode: 255917