UCCA hosts a special UC Talks One & One Conversation with SDPD Chief Scott Wahl on Tuesday, September 17, at 6 PM, at the Community Library at 4155 Governor Drive. If you could meet up with Chief Wahl, what would you ask him about? What concerns would you share? What suggestions would you make?
UCCA’s president, Jemma Samala, will conduct a casual interview-style session with Chief Wahl. To help ensure that Chief Wahl covers a wide range of topics of community concern, please send your questions or comments for Chief Wahl to Jemma as soon as possible: president@universitycitynews.org
There will be time for additional Q&A from the audience at the end of the interview.
The One & One talk with Chief Wahl will be followed by UCCA’s general meeting at 7 PM.
- 6 PM, Tuesday, September 17: Police Chief Scott Wahl (you may remember him as Captain Wahl with Northern Division) will be UCCA’s guest for a UC Talks One & One conversation with Q&A at the Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive. This is an in-person, in-depth conversation with Chief Wahl. If you have questions or concerns for Chief Wahl, please send them to UCCA president Jemma Samala at: president@universitycitynews.org
- 7 PM, Tuesday, September 17: UCCA’s general meeting follows the one-on-one conversation with Chief Scott Wahl. This is a public meeting at the Community Library, at 4155 Governor Drive, and all are welcome. If you plan to attend and have an agenda item to share, please send that item to Jemma as well.
University City Community Association (UCCA) is a non-profit local volunteer organization funded primarily through membership dues and donations. Our organization provides and promotes civic, cultural, social, educational and recreational development and improvement in University City; and provides a forum where the interests of the residents may be expressed and contributions made to the protection of life and property in the community. UCCA is the publisher of University City News.
Please Join UCCA Today at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/