March Construction Update for Governor, Stadium, Pennant, Stresemann and adjacent streets for the “University City Improvement 1” Project


From the City of San Diego March 2025 re University City Improvement 1: A City of San Diego Capital Improvements Program (CIP) project is underway to improve the water and sewer infrastructure in the University City area. The University City Improv. 1 project will replace approximately 10,170 linear feet (1.93 miles of existing water mains and install approximately 8,896 linear feet (1.68 miles) of new sewer mains.

Governor Dr. and Stadium St. and adjacent streets: The City of San Diego’s University City Improv. 1 project is progressing in its current phase on Stadium Street and Stadium Court. The sewer main work along Stadium Street will extend into Governor Drive during the last week of March/beginning of April. The project will fall back to Eton Ave and Eton Court after sewer main work at Stadium Street and Governor Drive intersection is completed. Sewer pipeline installation along Governor Drive is anticipated to commence late Spring 2025/early Summer 2025. As work progresses through this main thoroughfare, there will be impacts to traffic and noise from construction.

Pennant and Stresemann and adjacent streets: Water pipeline installation is completed on Pennant Way between Stresemann Street and Regents Road. The project is now progressing on Stresemann Street between Pennant Way and Gobat Avenue and will continue on Stresemann Street into Governor Drive in April 2025. Construction work will include installation of new water main and water services, installation of temporary potable water, new fire hydrants, potholing to identify existing utilities, and pavement restoration.

During the time of watermain installation, residences will to be supplied with potable water via temporary water lines also-known-as highlines. For temporary water outages the contractor will distribute outage notices to impacted residences. Residents can also expect traffic delays during working hours and No Parking signs in and around their neighborhood as well as noise generated by construction equipment during working hours. Through traffic will be directed to detour during this time, as construction equipment, excavations, and material will be in the streets.

Please note all schedules and construction are subject to change: Residents are encouraged to scrutinize “No Parking” signage once it is installed – they will have specific details of dates and times of work happening on their street(s). For questions, please contact project community liaison:


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