What’s going on? Planning Group (UCPG) and Costa Verde and Community Plan Updates; CPU Discussion Draft expected in March 2023


Costa Verde Update February 2024:

DSD: Costa Verde Revitalization Extension of Time

Wondering what’s going on with the UCPG election, the community plan update (CPU) timeline, and Costa Verde? Take a look at the March University City News pages 10 and 11. Volunteers with the Planning Group (UCPG) and the Community Plan Update (CPU) provide recaps of their February meetings. A City representative of the City Planning Department provides a review of major milestones and next steps. It is anticipated that the Discussion Draft of the plan update will be available for community review in March.

Facebook LiveStream videos of the February CPUS meeting are available on UCCA’s Facebook for 30 days. Please note there are two videos. Take a look at: https://www.facebook.com/UniversityCityCommunityAssociation/videos

More University City News at:  https://www.universitycitynews.org/


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