October / November 2024: MARCY PARK RENOVATION courtesy of Ruth DeSantis, President, University City Community Foundation, Rgdesantis@gmail.com. This article was published in the November University City News on page 5. Available at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
The long-awaited renovation of Marcy Park is finally underway. This beloved neighborhood park, located in southwest UC, will be partially closed for the next year while the City makes the following improvements:
- New play area for ages 2-5 on existing circular footprint
- New play area for ages 5-12 adjacent to chain link fence
- Shade structures in 2-5 play area
- 18” tall concrete wall/seating encircling the 2-5 play area
- ADA walkway access to ADA play equipment in the age 2-5 play area
- Timed overhead lighting in front of the park and near play areas
- Poured in place rubber surfacing under play areas
One eucalyptus tree will be removed and several flowering trees will be added to complement the trees already donated by UCCF. The City is using the design plan we submitted a decade ago, and the new park will be nature themed with muted colors as the community requested. No open green space will be lost, and the tenor of the park should remain unchanged. The park will remain leash-only and no dog run will be installed due to size restrictions.
This project could not have happened without support from neighbors. Resident donations over these past 15 years went to repaint the existing play equipment, replace missing trees, purchase concrete garbage bins, install a 3-level fountain and add park benches when City funding wasn’t available. Volunteers rolled up their sleeves and helped clear decades old brush and debris from the perimeter, and we pushed to have the sand replaced and a new chain link fence installed.
Our initiative showed the City how much this park means to the community, and inspired former Councilmember Barbara Bry to earmark her discretionary funds to get the project off the ground. We are very grateful to her, and to Director of Park and Rec, Andy Field, who helped locate the millions of dollars needed for construction. This project simply would not have happened without support from many people, including those who serve without pay and take their time and energy to advocate for our community on boards like UCPG, UCCA and the Standley Park Rec Council. It’s true what they say; It takes a village.
UCCF will host another Movie in the Park next fall (2025) as part of our ribbon cutting ceremony once construction is complete. We look forward to celebrating with you in 2025!
September 2024: As announced at the August Standley Community Recreation Group (CRG) meeting in August, and published in the September University City News, the long-anticipated renovations and upgrades to the Marcy Neighborhood Park, 5504 Stresemann Street, are expected to begin in September.
From the City of San Diego Project Description: This project will replace and expand the playground at Marcy Neighborhood Park in University City. The project will also include all path of travel items such as curb ramps, drinking fountains, walkways/ramps as well as irrigation system adjustments, landscaping, etc.
The Parks & Recreation Department’s Marcy Neighborhood Park project team is working through some details and is expected to provide more information at the September Community Recreation Group meeting on Thursday, September 26, at 7 p.m., at Standley Recreation Center, 3585 Governor Drive. This is a public meeting and all are welcome.
Meanwhile, here are references posted on the City website:
- Marcy Neighborhood Park Improvements (Design Bid Build Project) as of 10/01/2024: https://cipapp.sandiego.gov/CIPDetail.aspx?ID=B19188
- Marcy Park Project Location Map: https://webmaps.sandiego.gov/cippublic/?find=B19188
- Marcy Park is a Neighborhood Park in University City: https://www.sandiego.gov/park-and-recreation/centers
For historical reference as documented by University City News and UCCA, visit: https://www.universitycitynews.org/?s=marcy+park