Courtesy of Standley PTSA:
Nominations are now open for the 2016-2017 Standley Middle School PTSA Executive Board.
Anyone interested in placing a name into nomination should email nominee names for the below positions to standleyptsa@yahoo.com or fill in the attached form and return to the front office.
Please feel free to self-nominate. All positions are open. The Nominating Committee will keep all nominations confidential.
Click http://files.ctctcdn.com/eb791b7c001/befe5df8-5587-4e8f-91a8-8b6be4090c99.pdf for Nominations Form and Job Descriptions.
The University City Cluster Committee is dedicated to improving educational endeavors and student achievement in the University City cluster of San Diego Unified public schools. info@uccluster.com; www.uccluster.com
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