UCCA meeting reminder from Barbara Gellman, UC’s Neighborhood Watch Coordinator:
The next UC Community Association meeting is Wednesday, September 9 from 6 – 7:30 PM at the Library on Governor Drive.
Many residents have expressed concern about calling the police non-emergency number and being put on hold. Yes, there is a shortage of police dispatchers. To address your concerns and help you be more effective as a caller to the non-emergency number 619-531-2000, UCCA has scheduled a special 15 minute presentation from Officer Holly Tafoya and police dispatcher Carl Radar.
The meeting begins at 6 PM with updates from elected and other community leaders. All are welcome. Parking and seating at the library is limited; we expect a large crowd so come early.
What do Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor, ImproveUC and UCCA have in common? They are all ways neighbors can connect with neighbors and the University City community. Create a post, start a conversation, share the news, organize an event, keep in touch, take a look:
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/universitycitycommunityassociation
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/UCCA_SD
- Nextdoor – https://nextdoor.com/sandiego/
- ImproveUC – http://improveuc.org/
- UCCA – https://www.universitycitynews.org/
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