The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) meets on April 12, 2022, at 6 PM using Zoom video conferencing technology. Information about the University Community Planning Group (UCPG) is available at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas.
From UCPG Chair Chris Nielsen: I’ve attached the agenda for the April 12, 2022, UCPG meeting at 2022_04_12_Agenda_UC. Zoom information is at the end of this post and is included on the agenda. Agenda highlights include:
- New Board members will be welcomed at the beginning of the meeting: Fay Arvin, Linda Bernstein, Steve Pomerenke, Carey Algaze, Sasha Treadup, and Andy Wiese.
- Due to the city Engineering and Capital Improvement Department’s need to attend two meetings on Tuesday April 12, I have put their action item #5 before other regular business, followed by a second city water department item #6. Other items have also been rearranged, so please examine the agenda carefully.
- Item #5 is an action item by the city Engineering and Capital Improvement Department asking for a community recommendation for the Torrey Pines Fire Station (previously referred to as the “UC San Diego Fire Station”), located on North Torrey Pines Road near Genesee. The Coastal Commission will be asking for a community recommendation when they review the project. This will be our opportunity to review the project. Monica Arredondo, Project Manager, Engineering and Capital Projects Dept., City of San Diego, James Gaboury, Deputy Fire Chief, SDFD, and Mayra Medel, Planning Dept., will present. Presentation at: Torrey Pines Fire Station
- Item #6 is an easement vacation of a water main between Dirac and Cozzens. Work on the project has been completed. Development Services would like a community recommendation as part of the project completion. Dakota Adelphia, water department, presenting. Supporting documents:
- Item #7 will be election of new officers, Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Membership Secretary, followed by the Chair’s report and public comment.
- Item #12 is an action item asking for a community recommendation to renew a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), required to sell beer and wine at the Stars and Stripes convenience store. The site also includes a gas station and car wash. Vince Kattoula, Kattoula & Associates, will be presenting. Presentation to be posted when available.
DRAFT minutes February: 2022_02_08_UCPG_Minutes_Draft
DRAFT minutes March: 2022_03_08_UCPG_Minutes_Draft
To join the meeting, drag-and drop this URL into your browser or follow the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85175754679?pwd=M3lMeDN3bDNGcVlZWVJUVVY1VjVNdz09
- Meeting ID: 851 7575 4679
- Passcode: 286540
To dial in from your phone: Find your local number go to and follow the directions: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kmmeXm3Gm
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpg/