University City Community Association (UCCA) will hold its March 2021 general meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, March 10, starting at 6:00 PM. This is a public meeting. We will have updates from legislative and community leaders. If you have an agenda item to suggest or you would like to speak during Public Comment, please contact us by email at UniversityCityNews@gmail.com or visit our Contact Us page at https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/.
Zoom link below; preliminary agenda for the March 10 UCCA meeting:
- 6:00- Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance; Introductions/Announcements
- 6:05- Approval of Feb. minutes (vote); Approval of agenda (vote)
- 6:10- Sabrina Bazzo- SD City Schools; Board of trustees-update on school openings
- 6:30- Legislative liaisons…Jessica Brown, Kaitlyn Willoughby, Spencer Katz, et al….
- 6:45- Public Forum (3 minute limit)
- 7:00- UCPG Report- Chris Nielsen; south U.C. properties, (adu on Governor; subdivision on Robbins Way), UCPG Board member voting results,
- 7:15- Treasurer’s report- Don (vote) electronically transmitted; Membership report- Hallie
- *Standley Park…U.C. Park Council/Comm. Rec. Groups;
- Spring Egg Hunt, “Celebration”, Summer Concerts- Diane Ahern
- *Fire Safe Council-President Diane Ahern
- *C.A.S.A.- update/reaction to Congressman Peter’s support
- *Neighborhood Watch- Barbara Gellman
- *STVR Working Group….City Council Action- Mack Langston
- *CPUS- Katie Rodolico/Deanna Ratnikova
- *Beautification, other…Merle Langston
- 7:45- Old/New Business
- 8:00- Adjournment *April Meeting guest speaker, CA Assemblyman Chris Cate.
Join UCCA Zoom Meeting : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4690
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