Let’s think about Balboa Park. First known as City Park, what we now know as Balboa Park began as land set aside in 1868 by San Diego civic leaders. Here we are more than 150 years later. What’s our vision for the future of Balboa Park? Improving existing amenities? More people and pedestrian spaces? More parking? Preserving historical resources? Something else?
From the City’s Parks and Recreation Department: Parks and Recreation is asking for your help to identify strategic priorities for future investment in Balboa Park. The goal is to inform future decision-making and provide better alignment between available resources and what residents want to experience when they visit.
As part of the Balboa Park Committee’s work, hundreds of stakeholders and residents have participated in this effort. We want to ensure this is inclusive of all San Diego communities so we are broadening our outreach to increase engagement, particularly among youth organizations and historically underserved communities. We want to hear from people who use the park regularly as well as those who visit less frequently.
We need your help! Please take a minute to share your thoughts on sustaining Balboa Park for your enjoyment via the survey below and help us share this survey with your own networks – social media, newsletter, community meetings and email distribution. A sample email and sample social media posts (in English and Spanish) are attached for your convenience.
- Survey in English – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JMVV8PK
- Survey in Spanish — https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PW5YQY5
Feedback will help direct investment and revitalization planning toward what the public wants to see as part of Balboa Park’s future. With your support, Balboa Park can continue to be a welcoming place that recognizes and celebrates San Diego’s rich diversity for generations to come.
For more information, contact Christina Chadwick, Assistant Deputy Director / Balboa Park, Presidio Park & Mission Bay Park, Parks and Recreation Department, at ChadwickC@sandiego.gov
More about Balboa Park at https://www.balboapark.org/