Originally, we thought we’d be talking to Randall Tonini as the chair of the 4th of July UC Celebration. (Randall has been the volunteer chair of the UC Celebration for several years; this year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the UC Celebration at Standley Park has been cancelled.) Instead, UC Talks podcast host Jemma Samala talks with Randall about the merge of Grace City Church, which he founded, and First Baptist Church of San Diego, which has been around for 150 years. Randall also discusses how local churches are helping parishioners keep the faith during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in running virtual services and meetings. They also talk about the good that can come out the current situation. And find out what UC Talks host Jemma Samala found while organizing family relics and will gift to the new merged church.
- YouTube video: https://youtu.be/ihGSIwuHIs0
- SoundCloud audio: https://soundcloud.com/ucca-785209867/23-randall-tonini-grace-city
UC Talks is a hyper-local podcast that features conversations, interviews, and news of University City. UC Talks also includes readings of the University City newsletter. It’s managed by University City Community Association (UCCA) and made possible, in part, by a generous Community Enhancement Program grant from the County Board of Supervisors. Our podcast host is newsletter editor Jemma Samala.
- SoundCloud – Listen to all available podcasts on UCCA’s SoundCloud homepage at https://soundcloud.com/ucca-785209867
- YouTube – Watch and listen to recent podcasts on UCCA’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCufqxSNHCsaXQ0lc81e4jFQ
- UC Talks – For an up-to-date list of all Podcasts, go to https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/uc-talks-podcast/
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