University City — The University City Racquet Club (UCRC) is open by reservation only; contact Brad Vo by email for information and to make a reservation at gtriangle.tennis@gmail.com. University City recreation centers and Swanson Pool remain closed. The status of Standley Park summer events such as the Summer Concerts and the Ice Cream Social are unknown at this time and dependent on the re-opening of the Standley Park Recreation Center.
Community and neighborhood parks, as well as certain trails in open space parks, are open for passive purposes only (walking, jogging, or hiking) or for members of the same household to congregate in small groups. Due to COVID-19 restrictions prohibiting non-family gatherings, Summer Movies in the Park and the 4th
of July UC Celebration at Standley Park has been cancelled. For the current status on all City services and facilities, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/status
For related information, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/parks-recreation-dept/