Save the Date! On June 20, I Love A Clean San Diego is taking one of its largest volunteer events virtual through Facebook Live in response to COVID-19 and current social distancing practices. The virtual, close-to-home event still gives residents an opportunity to safely participate in the popular cleanup in streets, parks, canyons and beaches within their own neighborhoods. Join other socially-distanced Volunteer Environmental Champions by cleaning up litter and pollution in your neighborhood. Thousands of small efforts across the county will help prevent tons of litter from entering our creeks, bays and the ocean.
The Cleanup kick-off event is at 9 AM on June 20 at the I Love A Clean San Diego Facebook page, featuring hosts from I Love A Clean San Diego and its partners. The kick-off will provide important volunteer and safety information. Throughout the day, I Love A Clean San Diego will keep the live broadcast going through live check-ins with participants throughout the county who will share their experience and what pollutants they are finding.
How to Participate:
- Register online at Creek to Bay https://creektobay.org/
- Like I Love A Clean San Diego’s Facebook for the Facebook Live event at https://www.facebook.com/iloveacleansd/
- Target your community – choose a block, a park, beach, canyon or neighborhood near you.
- Prepare for the day with reusable buckets, work gloves, litter grabbers, reusable water bottles and sturdy shoes.
- Wear face masks and gloves and practice social distancing.
- Share your experience on Facebook and Instagram @ILoveACleanSD
For more information and to register, visit https://creektobay.org/
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/parks-recreation-dept/