UC Talks host Jemma Samala talks with University City High School seniors about what it’s like experiencing their last semester while under stay-at-home orders. Centurion seniors Rose Grimm, Julianne Hom, and Cole Roof share their thoughts and plans post-UCHS.
- Watch on YouTube at https://youtu.be/
yfZ83u1kVrg - Listen on SoundCloud at https://
soundcloud.com/ucca-785209867/ 19-uchs-seniors-6-4-20
UC Talks is a hyper-local podcast that features conversations, interviews, and news of University City. UC Talks also includes readings of the University City newsletter. It’s managed by University City Community Association (UCCA) and made possible, in part, by a generous Community Enhancement Program grant from the County Board of Supervisors. Our podcast host is newsletter editor Jemma Samala.
- SoundCloud – Listen to all available podcasts on UCCA’s SoundCloud homepage at https://soundcloud.com/ucca-785209867
- YouTube – Watch and listen to recent podcasts on UCCA’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCufqxSNHCsaXQ0lc81e4jFQ
- UC Talks – For an up-to-date list of all Podcasts, go to https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/uc-talks-podcast/
No special software is needed to listen; just click on the link, adjust the volume on your device, and click the play button.
To submit an idea for an upcoming UC Talks podcast, please use the ‘contact us’ link at https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/