NOTE: All who plan to attend (and those unable to join us) are encouraged to set their alarms for 11:58 AM on December 8 to mark the time of the crash and to observe a moment of silence.
December 8, 2018, is the 10th anniversary of the F-18 military jet crash in University City that took the lives of four members of the same family, destroyed two homes, damaged several others, and caused multiple fires.
Neighbors will gather at University Village Park, 7100 Florey Street (at the corner of Gullstrand/Cather and Florey) in University City, on December 8 at 11:30 AM, for an hour of remembrance and healing: to share experiences, for a moment of silence and to dedicate four trees planted as a living memorial to those who lost their lives. Attendees will be invited to take home a plantable remembrance leaf embedded with wildflower seeds.
Updated agenda for Memorial and Tree Dedication, University Village Park, 7100 Florey Street, December 8, 2018, 11:30 AM
- 11:30 – 11:40 – Gathering (at tables on Cather)
- 11:40 – 11:45 – Opening remarks; alarms set to 11:58 AM; community sharing – where were you December 8, 2008? – Pia Mantovani-Sud
- 11:45 – 11:58 – Public officials – maximum time 1 to 1.5 minutes each
- Barry Bernstein (UCCA)
- Ruth DeSantis (UCCF)
- Roger Hughes (Parks and Recreation)
- SDFR Fire Department
- SDPD Chief David Nisleit
- Councilmember Barbara Bry
- Congressman Scott Peters
- Assemblymember Todd Gloria (representative)
- Bill Dusting (at crash scene)
- Others ??
- 11:58 – Alarms sound, followed by moment of silence – Pia Mantovani-Sud
- 12:00 – Tree Dedication – Pia Mantovani-Sud
- 12:10 – 12:30 – Community sharing
- Cookies (at tables on Cather)
- Distribution of remembrance leaf (embedded with plantable wildflower seeds; quantities limited) and a poem of healing written specifically for this occasion by Pia Mantovani-Sud
Special invited guests are San Diego Fire Department Engine 35 and San Diego Police Department (attendance subject to cancellation depending on work schedule).
Please note that University Village Park at 7100 Florey Street is a neighborhood park with no restroom facilities and no parking lot. There is limited on-street parking. Neighbors and attendees are urged to walk to the park if possible. The nearest public restrooms and parking lot are at University Gardens Park (adjacent to the ball fields) at Governor and Gullstrand.
The four trees were donated by the University City Community Foundation; the City of San Diego will plant and maintain them in the park. Sponsoring organizations include Citizens Advocating Safe Aviation and University City Community Association. Contact citizensadvocatingsafeaviation@gmail.com