Update 2/13/2018: Because of the importance of this potential sale to our entire community, UC Planning Group chair Janay will make an announcement at the beginning of the UCPG meeting tonight during the announcements section. This usually takes place between 6 and 645.
The full University Community Planning Group UCPG Tuesday, February 13 agenda is posted on their City webpage at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
New location… It’s at the Green Acres conference center which is at 10300 Campus Pointe Dr. See attached map for details.
The potential sale of City-owned properties (at Governor and Gullstrand and in north University City) on the February agenda.
Agenda items of interest to those in University City include:
- UCPG candidate statement
- UCSD construction projects information item
- Pure Water pipeline (planned for Genesee Ave) information item
- Marcy Park update information item
- Costa Verde Center update information item
- Potential sale of City owned parcels at Governor and Gullstrand and in north University City information item
For the full agenda, refer to UCPG Agenda 02-13-18 from Janay Kruger
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpg/