It’s a new year and we invite you to stop by Marcy Park on Stresemann Street and see the changes that are happening. Two new Jacaranda trees were planted near the street to replace the huge pines that fell down. A Tipuana Tipu tree was also planted near the play structure to balance the other two Tipu trees. A Cassia tree will soon be planted near the other Cassia along the entry path.
Please help us protect these young trees by keeping dogs away and not letting children climb them. Two new signs at the entrance remind us that Marcy Park is a leash-only park. Please help us keep our beautiful pocket park a safe and peaceful place for everyone to enjoy and feel welcomed.
A new concrete pad was poured in front to accommodate a 3-tiered ADA fountain for adults, children and our furry friends. Alongside the fountain is a small bench with enough room to maneuver a walker or wheelchair. We hope this encourages more of our elderly and disabled neighbors to get out and enjoy the park. New colored concrete waste receptacles and a new infant swing will soon be installed and a fresh coat of paint will be applied.
We are happy to see more people using the park and encourage your positive feedback on the improvements you see. Your letters are taken to the City as they support our request for things such as additional landscaping cleanup and continued tree trimming. We are still working on Phase 2 to have the City accept our plan for an additional playground area for older children. This proposed area would be along the school’s chain link fence and would not reduce any open green space.
If we are to continue making improvements to Marcy Park, we still need your support. UCCF would not have been able to undertake the Marcy Park Project without financial contributions from University City Community Association (UCCA), the Standley Park Recreation Council (SPRC) and mostly residents like you.
From Ruth DeSantis, President, and Don Hotz, Treasurer, University City Community Foundation: Thank you to all those who made tax deductible donations to UCCF – https://uccfsd.org