Swanson Pool issues Summer schedule


Courtesy of Swanson Pool:

2016 Swanson Pool Summer_Page_1
Click to view schedule

Summer at Swanson Pool officially begins June 25 and ends September 5, 2016. Refer to the schedule for registration and session dates.

Summer Pool offerings include:

  • Swim lessons
  • Youth swim team
  • Youth water polo
  • Pool passes
  • Lap swim
  • Recreational swim
  • Parks Fit San Diego

Online and Walk-in registration opens at 12 PM on the registration dates listed by session dates.

To view class times and availability, log on to online registration site.  Go to SDRecConnect to create an account, register for a class or to view class schedules.  After creating an account for yourself, add your family members.

Pool staff is available to provide assistance with all on-line and walk-in registration concerns.

Swanson Pool is located at 3585 Governor Drive, San Diego, CA 92122. 858-552-1653. https://www.sandiego.gov/park-and-recreation/centers/aquatics/swanson

PDF version of Swanson Pool Summer schedule available at https://www.universitycitynews.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/2016-Swanson-Pool-Summer.pdf

Parks and Recreation information available at https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/parks-recreation-dept/

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