What do Bob Harvey, UC Del Sol, Taste of the Triangle, Valerie Upham, Trash Collection Fees, and the sale of the Costa Verde property have in common?
A: All are among the many news & feature items, community contributors, and advertisers who help to make the University City News the only hyper-local news source in our University City area and they are all featured in the March University City News!
Thanks to all of UCCA’s paid supporters and UCCA members, our contributors, and our advertisers who help to cover the costs to keep the University City News in print.
Support University City News! Many publications charge a fee to read articles on their website. UCCA’s newsletters are free as a University City community resource for everyone … but they are not free to produce and print. If you can make a donation to help us to stay in print, please do so at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/

From UCCA’s president Jemma Samala: Well, what do you know – it’s springtime! How time flies when you’re having fun…or when you don’t have enough of it!
I will continue to spend some time with all of you, although I’m going to switch off my Saturdays with a Wednesday night every other month. Please continue to come and share your community concerns with me, as many of you did last month. We do make note of what is at the top of your minds, and try to help when we can or refer you to who can help.
Back to springtime. A season of growth and renewal. First, I love to grow “things” in my garden – see my beautiful basket of greens, laid so nicely upon my fake green grass. But we also want to grow in our University City community.
Now, I’m not talking about exponential growth in housing development, I’m pretty sure most of you don’t want that, but growth in the community in what we (UCCA) can do for our neighbors. And that’s what I’m excitedly looking forward to in 2025.
How, you ask? A few ways actually. First, we are going to expand our programming by establishing a position to focus on issues relating to our senior community – we call it Senior Watch. Valerie Upham has graciously agreed to come on board with UCCA and spearhead these programs.
We also want to pay a little more attention to our volunteers. Instead of a short announcement at the last Summer Concert, we plan to have a special event in September just for them (if you want to be a part of it – volunteer to deliver newsletters or be a Neighborhood Watch Captain.)
And finally, we plan to expand our popular Holiday Lights event to a Saturday afternoon/early evening to create a Holiday Lights Market atmosphere. Entertainment, food, crafts, shopping, and of course lighting of the Christmas Tree and Menorah. Lots of volunteers are needed to plan, so if you would like to help out, please contact me at jemmasamala@gmail.com. Those that have seen the inside of my house, know that the holidays are really my favorite time of the year, and I hope to bring that special feeling to the community.
Help us not only grow and renew our services to University City through volunteering, but also through your support of your paid memberships. Your support helps us continue the work in beautification, street banners, Neighborhood Watch, community grants, support of local events, and our University City newsletter – hand-delivered by over 100 UCCA volunteers. Together we make University City…more than just a neighborhood!
UCCA is a volunteer organization that gives back to our community, so your dollars help to make University City … more than just a neighborhood.
- Support UCCA Today! Details at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/
- Check out of most recent Save-the-Date and Events & Calendar notices at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/events/