Courtesy of UC Fire Safe Council board member and Ex-Fire Chief William H. Beck:
Firefighters dedicate their careers to protecting homes and property from devastating fires. However, when the recent Los Angeles wildfire erupted, even their decades of experience and specialized equipment were no match for its fury. With Santa Ana winds reaching up to 100 miles per hour, no fire department could withstand the unstoppable force of destruction the fire brought. Tragically, some have attempted to place blame on the fire department for the immense losses so many endured.
Yes, this was a true disaster, but responsibility must be shared among many, including Mother Nature. How many homeowners had implemented the fire prevention measures recommended by fire officials? How many eaves were enclosed? How many homeowners had cleared vegetation to create a defensible space around their homes?
Disasters like the one in Los Angeles can happen anywhere. Recently, La Jolla experienced a small brush fire on Gillman that proved difficult to contain. Thankfully, after several hours it was extinguished with no homes being damaged.
Will these fires serve as a wake-up call, or will they soon be forgotten, leaving us vulnerable once again? Both homeowners and the City must take responsibility and work together to mitigate the risks. The cost of prevention may be high, but the alternative—losing lives and property—is far greater.
For more information about the Fire Safe Council, visit:
- Fire Safe Council History and Wildfire Protection Plan
- Fire Safe Council Brush Management Assessment / Biologist Report
- SDFD Ready Set Go
- UC Fire Safe Council News
- CAL Fire Facebook
- Fire Safe Council of San Diego County