February 2025 University City News print newsletter PDF is now online; delivery begins this weekend


Support University City News! Many publications charge a fee to read articles on their website. UCCA’s newsletters are free as a University City community resource for everyone … but they are not free to produce and print. If you can make a donation to help us to stay in print, please do so athttps://www.universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/

February 2025

From UCCA’s President Jemma Samala: Happy February University City! Let’s get February underway with UCCA’s first University City News print newsletter of this new year. Here is a link to the PDF version of the February University City News that you can read and share with friends and neighbors: https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/ Or, click on the cover image to view. 

A paper copy of the print newsletter will be available for pickup on Friday afternoon, January 31, on Governor Drive at the Library, the UC Laundromat,  the Recreation Center, and at Cal Coast Credit Union. UCCA’s newsletter delivery volunteers will begin distribution this weekend.

But first, let’s recap 2024. Financially, University City Community Association (UCCA) did better than budgeted, always a good thing. I credit that to our Treasurer Phil Fowler, who’s done an excellent job in streamlining our books and to Terri Day who has cracked down on getting advertising dollars paid.

UCCA began hosting one-on-one events, and hope to do more in 2025 (we have SD Fire Chief Robert Logan scheduled for April 22), and I started the Starbucks open hours to increase our outreach and programming to the UC community.

UCCA has also increased our footprint by adding new newsletter delivery routes in north UC. Speaking of North UC – kudos to Doyle Rec Center’s Darlene Lane-Smith for putting together an excellent Breakfast with Santa. I was only able to attend briefly and was able to catch a performance by the UCHS ROTC Drill Squad. Don’t forget to check out the North UC activities at the Rec Centers and the library – they have so much to offer.

In 2025, UCCA plans to continue all of the above, plus we hope to create programs serving our senior community, and new versions of our volunteer recognition and Holiday Lights events. We continue to have Neighborhood Watch, Street Banners, Utility Box beautification, our newsletters, and be a forum for the community to share information and neighborhood concerns. And when issues become a priority for you, it becomes one for UCCA as well.

The recent fires have put the whole community on edge. That is one of the reasons we focus on fire safety information in the February issue of University City News. Five years ago, I founded the UC Fire Safe Council, and we regularly post info in the newsletters. But even I am not fully prepared. I’ve concentrated on my exterior fireproofing, but not my to-go bags. Although, my one good tip – I’ve put many of my documents and photos on flash drives, which I keep safe at my office (yes, I have a day job). We’ve scheduled the SD Fire Chief for a one-on-one (the earliest date was April). And we will continue to regularly inform the community fire safe info in this newsletter.

Your paid memberships help us continue the work. From our lists of memberships posted in this edition, as well as the December/January issue, we’re off to a good start. But if you haven’t joined UCCA or turned in your paid UCCA membership, please do to support the many programs and events UCCA helps to organize and expand our work.

UCCA is a volunteer organization that gives back to our community, so your dollars help to make University City…more than just a neighborhood. In February we have Valentine’s Day – show your love and support UCCA!


University City You Know

➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️
