Hello University City! ❄️☃️ It’s here! Here is a link to the PDF version of the December University City News that you can read and share with friends and neighbors. Click on the cover image to view. Because of the Thanksgiving Holiday, the December / January print newsletter will not be available for pickup until Friday, December 6, on Governor Drive at the Library, the UC Laundromat, the Recreation Center, and at Cal Coast Credit Union. UCCA’s newsletter delivery volunteers will begin distribution this weekend. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

UCCA’s University City News print newsletter is unique. It is the only source of hyperlocal news in University City. You will find news and features here that you won’t find anywhere else. UCCA thanks all the UCCA dues-paying members, donors, contributors, volunteers, the County Board of Supervisors, and our newsletter advertisers who help to keep us in print. View and download the month’s issue and 23+ years of University City history at: universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
Unlike many community town councils and community associations, UCCA continues to publish a print newsletter. Our volunteers are confident that you, our readers, value the University City News as much as UCCA does. We thank you for your support and donations that help keep our newsletter in print. We appreciate you and your support. You can make a donation and/or update your membership UCCA for 2025 at: Join UCCA Today!
UCCA’s dedicated newsletter volunteers will begin delivery this weekend.
- Take look at the PDF version of the December / January print newsletter by clicking on the cover image or visiting: https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
- Check out UCCA’s December Save the Date: https://www.universitycitynews.org/UCCA/Dec2024Save-The-Date
- Here are December Event Highlights: https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/events/
- Join UCCA Today at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/
December message from UCCA president Jemma Samala:
Season’s Greetings! And what a cheerful greeting I had by these lovely ladies at my November Starbucks open hours – they even saved my favorite corner table! Thank you to Andrea Lynch, Michelle Ogata, Heather Matson, and Diane McCarty, for making my day and giving me idea to get photos of UC folks with their UC Newsletter, like what they do for the AAA Westways magazine. Yes – send me your pics of where you read your UC Newsletter! Check for their photo on page 3 of the December print newsletter.

I love, love the holidays – the general festiveness, the food, the decorating, the cookies, the special events, the food. But I also love the special traditions that we all keep. One of my favorites is University City’s tradition of lighting the Menorah and Christmas Tree, and I hope to see you there on Friday, December 13, starting with Dinner with Santa at 5:15pm. You’ll especially love hearing the many singing voices from our youth, and those a little bit older – everyone will feel the urge to sing along too. It’s that kind of special. And of course, the children will love taking photos with Santa (don’t tell the kiddoes, but another one of our lifelong community volunteers).
Giving to others is also a gift to yourself, so make sure to look at the many ways to give back in our own community on page 11, plus holiday socks are available to support UCCA’s Neighborhood Watch program (see newsletter cover for info).

It warms my heart to see a program I started at UCHS continue. Many years ago, a friend asked if I could help out during the holidays with a local family in need, and I said yes, and also thought – there may be others in the same situation. That’s when we started the adopt-a-family program at UCHS, which has evolved to being a Secret Snowman for those who could use a gift.
Looking ahead to January, we like to make resolutions. I say be giving with your resolutions, like taking time to volunteer. And yes, you can volunteer for UCCA! We need all types of volunteers – newsletter delivery persons, Neighborhood Watch captains, membership, and for some new programs we are thinking about implementing, such as helping UC seniors.
No matter how your holidays look like, remember to enjoy every precious moment. Your joy is contagious. And if you see me humming the tune to Jingle Bell Rock while shopping at Sprouts, don’t mind me, I’m finding joy. Happy Holidays to you all, and to all of UC!
Thanks for making University City more than just a neighborhood.
- Take look at the PDF version of the December / January print newsletter by clicking on the cover image or visiting: https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
- Check out UCCA’s December Save the Date: https://www.universitycitynews.org/UCCA/Dec2024Save-The-Date
- Here are December Event Highlights: https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/events/
- Join UCCA Today at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/