By Diane Ahern; sources SD Union Tribune, College Times Courier, University City Fire Safe Council, FSC of San Diego County:
The recent Montezuma Fire, which sparked on October 31, extended along the south side of Montezuma Road, affecting the Talmadge community, and eventually flying embers threatened homes in nearby Alvarado Estates. Mandatory evacuations took place in Alvarado Estates, Kensington, Talmadge, and nearby communities.
A local elementary school was evacuated and students were taken to SDSU’s Viejas Arena while crews from San Diego City Fire-Rescue, CAL FIRE, Lakeside, Santee, Miramar, Vista, Oceanside, San Miguel, and other local agencies cooperatively managed the blaze. The fire burned 37 acres and damaged 6 homes, and serves as an important reminder of the wildfire threat facing our local community.
At a debriefing at the November Fire Safe Council of San Diego County meeting, SD Fire-Rescue Deputy Chief and the Fire Marshal Anthony Tosca provided additional information and safety tips to encourage residents to take steps to reduce flammable materials around the home and to increase the fire hardening of a structure to make is less likely to burn in a wildfire. He explained it’s about creating a balance between reducing fire exposure and increasing structure hardening.
- Reduce Exposure: For example, reduce and remove flammable materials (such as plants and trees, fire wood, wooden storage sheds, and dead leaves and brush) in the first five feet immediately adjacent to your home.
- Increase Structure Hardening: In addition, increase your home’s resistance to burning by replacing wood siding with non-combustible materials, installing screening on roof vents to prevent flying embers from entering the attic, replacing wood shake roofing materials, and installing double pane windows.
For more information on creating a more fire safe home, visit: sandiego.gov/fire
Community Meeting Thursday, November 21: San Diego City Fire-Rescue and local FSCs, Kensington and Alvarado Estates, want to keep the conversation around the fire going! On Thursday, November 21st, a community presentation will be help by SDCFR and the Fire Safe Councils to answer your questions and better prepare our communities for any future wildfires. Learn what you can do to prepare your home for wildfire, and where to get the most timely emergency alerts.
Community Meeting Thursday, November 21 at Hoover High School on El Cajon Blvd. Scan QR code for more info or visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Bb3MmYpkEAkX4sN4e5hl8WdHnZEm0vMbfeS9OX-OQs8/viewform?pli=1&pli=1&edit_requested=true