From UCPG Planning Group Chair Chris Nielsen: The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will meet on Tuesday, November 12, at 6 PM, in a hybrid format. I’ve attached the agenda for the November 12, 2024, UCPG meeting. It is a short agenda this month, but we must hold the election for our three new District 4 (UC San Diego residents) voting members of the UCPG board and there are there are two agenda items we need to complete.
- November Agenda available here: 2024_11_12_Agenda_UC
- Additional UCPG information available here: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community-plans/university/planning-group
- Zoom information: On the agenda; links at the end of this post
There are no minutes to approve this month.
UCPG District 4 Election: This is explained in the agenda. Anu will be available outside the meeting room on the third-floor patio to handle voting. I will help her from 5 PM when we open for voting until the UCPG meeting starts. I’ll have additional volunteers to help Anu. It is likely that we will finish the UCPG meeting prior to 8 PM, and in that case I’ll notify the candidates by email of the results of the election.
Regular Agenda Highlights
- Item 7: Action Item: PRJ-1121552, Water main easement vacation located at 10290 Campus Point Drive. The City of San Diego has requested the conversion of an onsite water main servicing the 10290 Campus Point Drive location from public to private. The applicant requests the water easement for this location be vacated. Neva Cobian, Michael Baker International, presenting. This is a request by the City to remove water and utility easements that are entirely within a development.
- Item 8: Action Item: UCPG CIP list ranking. We chose projects to submit to the city in July and agreed to rank the projects in September, subsequently continued until October. The rankings will primarily be for the use of our Council office and the UCPG. Georgia Kayser and Chris Nielsen, presenting. We’ll submit the prioritized CIP list to CM Lee for the upcoming budget cycle.
Next Meeting
This will be either December 10 or January 14, depending on the availability of agenda items. Upcoming we do have an information item from Alexandria Real Estate on their proposed 10210 Campus Point project, which will be implemented under the new community plan and includes mobility and housing elements.
Zoom Info for November 12, UCPG Meeting:
Chris Nielsen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: UCPG Meeting November 12, 2024
Time: Nov 12, 2024 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86382704443?pwd=9NFkNCl0u4bvbDSIOJhEq4Ual8eIIH.1
- Meeting ID: 863 8270 4443
- Passcode: 783940
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/k4buPQpdl