From UCCA’s president Jemma Samala: Thanksgiving will soon be here and we look forward to staying safe and healthy so that we can enjoy the winter holidays. We, the volunteers at University City Community Association, are looking for ways to keep the ‘thanks’ in Thanksgiving.
We give thanks to the many UCCA members who, through their UCCA membership dues, help support and fund many events and projects in University City including special activities at our local schools and at Standley Park.
UCCA continues to publish a print newsletter, host public meetings, and provide news and information to community residents through our email lists, website, and social media. We thank our newsletter advertisers without whom we would not be able to publish our monthly print newsletter with over 100 volunteers delivering 6,000 copies.
We’re also thankful for all the volunteers who give tirelessly to our community through various volunteer organizations such as UCCA, the Parks Council, EdUCate!, PTAs, UC Cluster, Planning Group, Community Plan Update Subcommittee, Community Recreation Group, Garden Club, Fire Safe Council, and UCCA’s own University City News newsletter delivery team, and Neighborhood Watch Street Captains.
Now is the time to join UCCA or renew your membership for the 2025 calendar year to continue UCCA’s efforts to support our UC community. Our monthly meetings continue to provide a forum for residents to discuss concerns such as neighborhood safety, traffic issues, local development, neighborhood cleanup, and more. They are also a chance to hear regular updates from local law enforcement, fire/rescue officers, state and local leaders.
Mail in the membership envelope enclosed in the November print newsletter, or go to our University City News site at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ and navigate to the “Join UCCA Today” tab.
Thank you for making University City more than just a neighborhood!