As originally reported in June, several streets west of Genesee and south of Governor are impacted by a sewer and water main project.
Original post dated June 14, 3024: A City of San Diego Capital Improvements Program (CIP) project is underway to improve the water and sewer infrastructure in the University City area. The University City Improv. 1 project will replace approximately 10,170 linear feet (1.93 miles of existing water mains and install approximately 8,896 linear feet (1.68 miles) of new sewer mains.
Preparation for work has begun on some residential streets west of Genesee. This project will be conducted in phases.
An initial round of notifications has been distributed to residents along impacted streets to-date. Affected streets include: Governor Drive west of Genesee, Honors Drive, Pennant Way, Bragg Street, Curie Place, Stadium Street, Syracuse Avenue, and adjacent streets.
- For more information, refer to the attached map.
- For questions or more information, please contact the project community liaison at: reema@tworiverspr.com
- Engineering Information Line and Email: Call 619-533-4207 or email