Air Show Flight Notice begins September 25 & 26; MCAS Miramar Air Show 2024 returns Sept 27, 28, 29

Here we go University City! It’s September already. The University City News (PDF version) is now online and available to read, print, and share with family and friends. Click on the Newsletter Cover image to read and download the PDF version. The print version of the University City News will be available to pick up on Governor at the Library, the UC Laundromat, Recreation Center, and Cal Coast Credit Union on Friday; delivery begins (weather permitting🌞) this weekend.
UCCA’s University City News print newsletter is unique. It is the only source of hyperlocal news in University City. You will find news and features here that you will not find anywhere else. UCCA thanks all the UCCA dues-paying members, donors, contributors, volunteers, the County Board of Supervisors, and newsletter advertisers who help to keep us in print. View and download the month’s issue and 23+ years of University City history at: universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
Unlike many community town councils and community associations, UCCA continues to publish a print newsletter. Our volunteers are confident that you, our readers, value the University City News as much as UCCA does. We thank you for your support and donations that help keep our newsletter in print. We appreciate you and your support. If you haven’t done so already, you can make a donation and/or update your membership UCCA for 2025 at: Join UCCA Today!
- Ongoing: Check Your Voter Registration Status: You can check your voter registration status anytime to make sure it is current, and you are eligible to vote in the next election. You should be registered to vote at least 15 days before an election. If you missed the registration deadline for an upcoming election, you can conditionally register and vote provisionally. Election information at: https://www.sdvote.com/
- Ongoing: University City Water and Sewer Projects Underway on Governor west of Genesee. Details and street map at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2024/06/14/university-city-improv-1-governor-drive-cip-improvements-underway/
- Ongoing: Pure Water construction on Genesee and on Nobel. For the most up-to-date information, access the current Construction Notices at: https://www.sandiego.gov/public-utilities/sustainability/pure-water-sd/phase-1-projects/university-city-eastgate-mall/morena-northern-pipeline-alignment-and-tunnels
September Save-the-Date:
- Friday, August 30: September University City News print newsletter available for distribution. Home delivery begins and print copies available at the University City libraries.
- Monday, September 2: Labor Day Holiday.
- Sunday, September 8: People for a Clean UC; meet up in the parking lot near Starbucks at 7:15 AM. For more information, contact Vince at: vfreardon@gmail.com
- Tuesday, September 10, UCPG (planning group) meets in a hybrid format (in person with Zoom option) at 6 PM. When available, the agenda, in-person location, and zoom information will be posted at: sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
- Saturday, September 14, Blood Mobile at UC MarketPlace, 8 AM to 1:30 PM. For more information and to schedule an appointment, visit: https://www.mysdbb.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/77135
- Saturday, September 14, Fire Hardening Your Home by the Fire Safe Council; at 3:30 PM the North University Library, 8820 Judicial Dr (at corner of Judicial and Research). For more information, refer to article and ad in the September print newsletter, available at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
- Tuesday, September 17, at 6 PM: Police Chief Scott Wahl (you may remember him as Captain Wahl with Northern Division) will be UCCA’s guest for a one-on-one interview with Q&A at the Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive. This is an in-person, in-depth conversation with Chief Wahl and UCCA president Jemma Samala. If you have questions for Chief Wahl, please send them to Jemma at: jemmasamala@gmail.com
- Tuesday, September 17, at 7 PM: UCCA general meeting follows the one-on-one interview with Chief Scott Wahl. This is a public meeting and all are welcome. When available, the UCCA agenda will be posted at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/events/
- Saturday, September 21, UCCA’s Open Hours at Starbucks from 9 to 11 AM. Please contact president Jemma via email at: president@universitycitynews.org
- Saturday, September 21, Peace Pole Re-Dedication Ceremony at Standley Park, 2 PM.
- Monday, September 23, Swanson Memorial Pool (the warm water pool) will be closed for yearly maintenance from September 23, 2024 to October 18, 2024. Details in the program guide available at: sandiego.gov/pools
- Thursday, September 26: Miramar Air Show practice day; show days Friday, Saturday, Sunday, September 27-29. Details at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2024/08/15/mcas-miramar-air-show-returns-with-show-dates-friday-saturday-sunday-september-27-28-29-2024/
- Thursday, September 26, Standley Community Recreation Group (CRG) at Standley Rec Center, 3585 Governor Drive, 7 PM. For more information, contact center director Roger at: Rhughes@sandiego.gov
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday, September 27-29: Miramar Air Show at MCAS Miramar. Details at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2024/08/15/mcas-miramar-air-show-returns-with-show-dates-friday-saturday-sunday-september-27-28-29-2024/
- Saturday, September 28: Age Well, Drive Smart, a California Highway Patrol (CHP) driver education class for persons ages 65 and older; at the University Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive. For more information, refer to article and ad in the September print newsletter, available at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/ To register, email: senator.jones@senate.ca.gov
October Save-the-Date:
- 🎃🍎 Saturday, October 5: EdUCate! Oktoberfest from 2 – 6 pm; Craft Fair opens 1 pm; Standley Park, 3585 Governor Drive. Details at: https://uceducate.org/events/oktoberfest/
- Monday, October 7: Ballot for the Presidential General Election. Under the California Voter’s Choice Act, every active registered voter in San Diego County will receive a ballot in the mail the week of October 6, 2024. Details at: https://www.sdvote.com/
This month’s Schedules and Events at our Libraries, Parks, and Pools:
- Libraries – University Community and North University – program schedules:
- University Community Library on Governor: https://www.
sandiego.gov/public-library/ locations/university- community-library - North University Library on Judicial: https://www.
sandiego.gov/public-library/ locations/north-university- community-library
- University Community Library on Governor: https://www.
- Pools and Parks and Recreation Centers – program schedules:
- Doyle Recreation Center: https://www.sandiego.
gov/park-and-recreation/ centers/recctr/doyle - Nobel Recreation Center: https://www.sandiego.
gov/park-and-recreation/ centers/recctr/nobel - Standley Recreation Center: https://www.sandiego.
gov/park-and-recreation/ centers/recctr/standley - Standley Aquatic Center: https://www.sandiego.
gov/pools/standley-aquatic- center - Swanson Memorial Pool: https://www.sandiego.
gov/pools/swanson-memorial- pool
- Doyle Recreation Center: https://www.sandiego.
Ongoing Events and Training and Networking Opportunities:
- Bicycle Master Plan: The Bicycle Master Plan Update (BMPU) is a citywide effort that will result in an overarching update to the 2013 Bicycle Master Plan. The BMPU will refresh the City’s bicycle facility recommendations and prioritization of active transportation projects to meet the City’s Strategic Plan and Climate Action Plan goals with increased emphasis on equity and serving areas with the greatest needs. Take the survey at: https://www.sandiego.gov/sustainability-mobility/mobility/mobility-master-plan/bicycleplan
- Trash Collection Cost-of-Service Study Questionnaire: Are you a City of San Diego trash and recycling services customer? If yes, please share your opinions and priorities by completing our questionnaire. Take the survey at: https://cleangreensd.org/
- University Community Plan Update: https://www.planuniversity.org/
- Land Development Code (LDC) Update list, visit: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/work/land-development-code/updates-in-process
- Mobility Master Plan, visit: https://www.sandiego.gov/sustainability-mobility/mobility/mobility-master-plan
- Pure Water pipelines construction in University City – Genesee/Governor intersection, Nobel, Towne Center, Executive: https://www.sandiego.gov/public-utilities/sustainability/pure-water-sd/phase-1-projects/university-city-eastgate-mall/morena-northern-pipeline-alignment-and-tunnels
- Contact the City: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2023/10/27/contact-us-lets-stay-in-touch-university-city/
- Infrastructure / CIP (capital improvement project) Survey for parks, libraries, bike lanes, rec centers, roads, etc: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/programs/work-programs/infrastructure-prioritization-engagement
- Planning Group Reform and Community Participation and Representation Plan Workshops: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community-plans/cpg/recognition-operations
- Organic Waste Recycling: https://www.sandiego.gov/environmental-services/recycling/sb1383
- Single Use Plastic Reduction Ordinance: https://www.sandiego.gov/environmental-services/recycling/pf-ban
- City of San Diego Council Agendas and Meetings: https://www.sandiego.gov/citywide-agendas-minutes
In Case We Missed It:
- Please let us know; contact us via email at: UCCA@universitycitynews.org
- Refer to current event listings at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/events/
- Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UniversityCityCommunityAssociation/
Save-the-Date compiled by Diane Ahern, Corresponding Secretary / Past President, University City Community Association
- UCCA Voice Mail: 858-412-0786
- UCCA Email: UniversityCityNews@gmail.com