How to Join and Participate in the City Council University Community Plan meeting on July 30: https://www.sandiego.gov/cityclerk/participate
Please note that Public Comment may be submitted using the webform indicating the comment type and item number (if relevant) for which you wish to submit your comment. Comments received two hours prior to the meeting will be distributed to the City Council and posted online with the meeting materials.
From email communication released by Help Save UC on July 16, 2024; excerpt:
Dear Friends of UC, the City of San Diego has issued the final EIR associated with the UC Plan Update. It is known as the “Final Program Environmental Impact Report for the Blueprint SD Initiative, Hillcrest Focused Plan Amendment to the Uptown Community Plan, and University Community Plan and Local Coastal Program Update”, or Final PEIR.
This Final PEIR and its appendices, dated 07/11/2024, are available at this link: https://www.sandiego.gov/ceqa/final
The first section of the Final PEIR displays the comments submitted on the Draft PEIR by agencies, organizations, and individuals followed by the City’s responses to them. You can check the Table of Contents on page 12 of the PDF to see all the agencies, organizations, and individuals included in these comments and responses.
Help Save UC’s comment letter is found on page 233 of the PDF (labeled RTC-225), and the City’s response follows on page 261 (RTC-253).
We hope to fully review the Final PEIR document and provide comments, but given the short timeline (see additional information below), we may not be able to share our feedback with you before the July 22 deadline.
We encourage you to submit comments on this Final PEIR to planningceqa@sandiego.gov, and recommend that you copy our City Council members (email addresses are at the bottom).
Read the text of the email from HSUC dated July 16, 2024 in a web browser: https://preview.mailerlite.io/emails/webview/342760/127085801279325923
More from Help Save UC at: https://www.helpsaveuc.org/
From the City of San Diego:
- Final Environmental Documents available at: https://www.sandiego.gov/ceqa/final
- (Citywide, Uptown, University) Final Program Environmental Impact Report for the Blueprint SD Initiative, Hillcrest Focused Plan Amendment to the Uptown Community Plan, and University Community Plan and Local Coastal Program Update/ SCH No. 2021070359
- Plan University: https://www.planuniversity.org/
- ⚠️Tuesday, July 23, City Council is expected to consider Blueprint SD and all three elements of the Program EIR (Blueprint, University CPU, and Hillcrest FPA).
- The draft EIR and updated draft University CPU is available at: https://www.planuniversity.org/
UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY PLAN UPDATE AND HILLCREST FOCUSED PLAN AMENDMENT: https://docs.sandiego.gov/citybulletin_publicnotices/PublicHearings/CC%20Notice%20-%20Blueprint%20SD%20Final.docx.pdf - When available, the agenda and supporting documents for July 23 City Council will be posted at: https://www.sandiego.gov/citywide-agendas-minutes
- ⚠️Tuesday, July 30, City Council is expected to consider the University Plan Update and the Hillcrest FPA. The Program EIRs accompanying the Plan Updates will have been considered earlier (on July 23).
- The draft EIR and updated draft University CPU is available at: https://www.planuniversity.org/
- Notice Of Public Hearing, July 30, PDF – UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY PLAN UPDATE: https://files.constantcontact.com/bbe9f35c701/0c443c3c-9784-48c9-a2cf-100a013ac487.pdf
- When available, the agenda and supporting documents for July 30 City Council will be posted at: https://www.sandiego.gov/citywide-agendas-minutes