UCCA receives “Honored Nonprofit” Award from State Senator Brian Jones


June was national nonprofit month and in celebration of the month, District 40 State Senator Brian Jones invited University City Community Association to a reception where our organization received the District 40 Honored Nonprofit Award.

Other nonprofits were also recognized, including Feeding San Diego; Lions, Tigers, and Bears; and Saddles in Service, which received the Nonprofit of the Year Award. Last year‘s Nonprofit of the Year was awarded to UC‘s very own EdUCate!

Attending the reception on behalf of UCCA, from left, Diane Ahern past president, Mack Langston past vice president, Jemma Samala President, Senator Brian Jones, and vice resident Jim Beshears. We were all very honored to receive the award and be amongst such great nonprofit company. Many thanks to Senator Jones for this recognition and congratulations to all the nonprofits in District 40.



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