⚠️Zoom Video Recording for UCPG (Planning Group) available for UCPG Meeting on Tues, June 11, 2024


Update 06/12/2024: The Zoom Recording of the Tuesday, June 11, UCPG meeting is now available. The recording captures some of the in-person chatter before the meeting and displays the Zoom closed caption features and the Zoom chat. To view the Zoom recording, copy the Passcode; then click on the Zoom recording link and enter the Passcode when prompted.

Please note that Zoom viewers may use the slide bar at the bottom of the viewing screen to fast forward the recording to the presentation and discussion of their choice. They can also adjust the speed and choose to view (or not) the close caption feature. The chat is searchable; but the close caption feature is not.

The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will host its Executive Committee Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, beginning at 6 PM. The meeting room and patio will be available at 5:45 PM.

This is a hybrid meeting with the UCPG board required to attend in-person but with the choice to participate in person or by Zoom for presenters and members of the public. This hybrid meeting will be recorded.

The in-person location is in the Alexandria Grad Labs building, 9880 Campus Pointe Drive, Third Floor Terra Nova Conference Room. The Zoom information is on the 2024_06_11 UCPG Agenda and at the end of this post.

Hello from UCPG (Planning Group) Chair Chris Nielsen: I’ve attached the agenda for the UCPG meeting on June 11, 2024; available at: 2024_06_11_Agenda_UC. I don’t have meeting minutes yet for May 14. We may defer this to the July UCPG meeting. A power point presentation for the UTC Mall Easement Vacation is expected by the end of the week. The agenda has a mix of items this month.

Item 7: Action Item: Approval of an amendment to the just-approved UCPG Operational Procedures that will allow voting members of the board to attend and vote remotely without an excuse, advance notice, or publicizing their location on the agenda. This amendment requires a two-thirds affirmative vote of the board members in attendance. The wording of the amendment has been approved by City Planning and is listed in the agenda.

Item 8: Action Item. Approval of $55.20 for a booth at the UC 4th of July Celebration booth. The booth will be in operation from 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM on July 4. If you are able to help with an hour or two, please let me know.

Item 9: Action Item: Westfield-UTC will be asking for a recommendation to vacate an existing easement on the Westfield-UTC property.

Item 10: Action Item: The UCPG recommended the Los Penasquitos Lagoon Restoration Project, Phase 1, in late 2022. Mike Hastings from the Los Penasquitos Lagoon Foundation will present an update to the project. On May 28, the City released an addendum to the Program EIR for the project for a 45-day comment period, ending July 12. The UCPG may elect to comment on this addendum to the PEIR.

Item 11: Information Item: The status of the Community Plan update and next steps will be discussed by Chris Nielsen and Andy Wiese.

Agenda: 2024_06_11_Agenda_UC

To Use Zoom for this Hybrid Meeting:

UCPG June Monthly Meeting at Time: Jun 11, 2024, 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84916001149?pwd=PZsE2EHcfAJ1Dsu7m4f5Wp5l0boRQn.1

  • Meeting ID: 849 1600 1149
  • Passcode: 259917

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbOM3CWuj

More Information: For more information about the UCPG, visit: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas


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