Planning Dept releases updated UC Community Plan; schedules Planning Commission public hearing for May 30, 9 AM


The Planning Commission will host a public hearing on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. This meeting will be a hybrid meeting in City Council Chambers. The review of the University Community Plan Update is Agenda Item 3 (please see below⚠️). View the agenda May 30, 2024 Planning Commission agenda and learn how to make a public comment here:

From the Plan University website: The University Community Plan serves as the 30-year vision for land use, mobility, urban design, public facilities and services, natural resources, historic and cultural resources, and economic development in the University Community Planning Area. This update plans more opportunities for homes, jobs and mixed-use development connected to the University of California San Diego, retail and employment centers, hospitals, health care facilities, residential areas, public spaces, and bus rapid and light rail stations. 

To review the Draft University Community Plan and Supporting Material (May 2024 version), visit the Plan University website:

The Planning Commission will host a public hearing on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. This meeting will be a hybrid meeting in City Council Chambers. View the agenda May 30, 2024 Planning Commission agenda here:

Please note agenda:

Staff: Suchi Lukes
City Council District: 6 & 1
Plan Area: University

The University Community Plan Update is proposed to replace the 1987 University Community Plan and Local Coastal Program for the approximately 8,700-acre University
Community Plan Area located between State Route 52 on the south and Torrey Pines Community Plan Area the north, and between Interstate 805 and Marine Corps Air Station
Miramar on the east and the Pacific Ocean and the La Jolla Community Plan Area on the west.

The Community Plan Update provides a comprehensive policy framework for future growth and development over the next 20 to 30 years. Consistent with the General Plan and the
Climate Action Plan, the Community Plan Update proposes a land use strategy with additional capacity for employment and residential in Transit Priority Areas and Sustainable
Development Areas. The Community Plan Update also includes policies to support a multimodal transportation system to promote active transportation, increase transit use, and
provide more connections in the community.

The Community Plan Update proposes the use of the Community Plan Implementation Overlay Zone (CPIOZ) Type A to provide ministerial Supplemental Development Regulations to implement recreation, urban design, and mobility requirements in villages areas.

The Community Plan Update also proposes accompanying rezoning, amendments to the General Plan and San Diego Municipal Code, dedication of City owned open space, and an amendment to the Historical Resources Guidelines of the City’s Land Development Manual to exempt specified areas within the University Community Planning Area from potential historic resource review under SDMC 143.0212.

A Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) was circulated for public review as part of Blueprint SD Initiative, the Hillcrest Focused Plan Amendment, and the University Community Plan Update and a future consistency determination to the PEIR will be made for the Community Plan Update.


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