From the Project Team: The AC Water and Sewer Group 1048 project is wrapping up installation of sewer main and laterals on Governor Drive; the attached photo was taken on Governor Drive in late May.
The project team has scheduled a new phase to begin on three streets near Curie Elementary School following the end of the current school year.
Beginning on Friday, June 7 construction activity will take place on Edmonton Ave., Combe Way and Stettler Way. This work will replace the sewer main and laterals. Proceeding the heavy construction activity, a drone will be used to record pre-existing conditions of the street, sidewalks and private property. Potholing will also take place to confirm the locations of underground pipes and utility lines. This phase will conclude prior to the start of the 2024-25 school year.
For more information:
- Refer to the attached project map
- Visit UniversityCityNews.org and search on: AC Water and Sewer Group 1048
- Visit the City Project Finder Map: sandiego.gov/projectfinder