It’s budget season! What are your City budget priorities? Contact City Council today!


University City neighbors and community leaders representing UCCA (the community association) and UCPG (the planning group) attended the May 15 Budget Town Hall in District 6 with Councilmember Kent Lee and Independent Budget Analysist (IBA) Charles Modica.

The IBA staff reviewed the Mayor’s budget proposal for 2025 as well as their independent review of department budgets by category including public safety, library, streets, parks and recreation, and environmental services. To review the proposed budget and all of the Independent Budget Analyst reports, visit:

Each Councilmember has the opportunity to champion projects and programs that are important to the community by submitting a formal request of budget priorities to the Mayor for his consideration in the development of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 May Revision. As the representative for District 6 and the Chair of the Budget and Government Efficiency Committee, Councilmember Lee wants to know what matters most to D6 residents. Share your thoughts on the Proposed Budget and funding priorities to help shape the upcoming budget.

City Council will conduct its final Budget Hearing and Final Modifications on June 7. There is still time to share your priorities with Councilmember Lee. Their office requests your assistance in understanding your priorities by taking part in the FY 2025 Budget Survey and encouraging others to do the same. Your voice is important and plays a vital role in the development of the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget.

The D6 FY 2025 Budget Survey is available at:


University City You Know

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