If you’re a seller, call your CB agent at 858-352-6587 or email ColdwellBankerUC@gmail.com to join. The deadline sign up to be on the map is Wednesday, May 29.
If you’re a buyer, it’s time to get ready for the Coldwell Banker University City garage sale on Saturday, June 1, 2024, from 8 AM to 1 PM. Coldwell Banker UC will provide free advertising, signs and maps. Maps will be available on June 3 starting at 7 AM at our office in the Vons Center at 3959 Governor Drive. Please follow current CDC COVID precautions and have a wonderful day of buying and selling!
Tips for a Successful Garage Sale:
- Set up your “store” the night before. Cover up or put away any items in your garage that are not for sale.
- Tag all items, but be prepared to haggle. Make sure appliances work. Clean and dust everything you can.
- Have lots of coins and small bills handy for making change. Use a “fanny pack” to carry your money around with you.
- Don’t open the door until you are ready for business. Be prepared for early shoppers. They are the pros.
- Remember to contact ColdwellBankerUC@gmail.com by June 1 to take advantage of the free advertising, signs, and maps provided by Coldwell Banker UC.