Update August 6, 2024, via email from Robin MacCartee, Development Project Manager, City of San Diego, Development Services Department:
Development services staff provided comments to the applicant back in February of this year. At this point, I have not received a resubmittal with responses to the requested items. The applicant has been in contact and is working to address the items and resubmit in the near future. Once that happens, I will notify the (University Community Planning) group (UCPG) that the second review cycle has begun. As I have previously said, this process usually takes 3-4 review cycles. Although I anticipate future cycles to take less time, I do not anticipate this project being finished with the Discretionary review this year. Please feel free to reach out any time if you have additional questions or concerns.
Update May 21, 2024, via email from Robin MacCartee, Development Project Manager, City of San Diego, Development Services Department:
From a staff review standpoint, nothing has changed. The City issued the Assessment Letter with requests for revisions. The applicant has not submitted revised plans so no new review cycle has begun.
Update February 6, 2024, via email from Robin MacCartee, Development Project Manager, City of San Diego, Development Services Department:
As an Interested Party for the proposed development at 4249 Nobel Drive, please know the first round of City Staff review comments are available for review upon request. The applicant and the University Community Planning Group have been provided a copy for their records. At this time, the applicant will have the opportunity to respond to the comments and resubmit revised plans at a future date. Should you have any additional questions or concerns about the project, please let me know.
- Staff Review Comments: Nobel – 4249 – Assessment Letter One_ 2-1-2024
- Email contact for Robin MacCartee: rmaccartee@sandiego.gov
Update December 1, 2023: As published in the December University City News from Planning Group Chair Chris Nielsen: [On November 17, 2023], the City noticed a project located at 4249 Nobel Drive. The proposal is for three residential towers of 40, 40, and 23 stories, totaling 1315 units with 1300 parking spaces in underground and lower story parking. The project has affordable housing based on the “Complete Communities” formula that uses the current low-density RM-2-5 base zoning (29 Dwelling Units / acre) to calculate the project’s required affordable housing, proposing approximately 2% for low, and very low income. While we don’t know what the affordable housing percentage will be for the new Community Plan Update, it is expected to be at least 10%. The 2% affordable for this project and displacement of current residents is very disappointing given that the site currently has the most affordable rental housing in our planning area and has among the most diverse social composition with about two-thirds people of color. For comparison, the planned density of this parcel under the community plan update would be about 109 DU / acre, versus the proposed project’s density of more than 350 DU/acre. The developer is listed as Wilmark Corp, the owner of the Avia development at Gullstrand and Governor. Read the full report from Chair Chris Nielsen on page 12 of the December newsletter at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
There is a pending Neighborhood Development Permit to demolish two multi dwelling residential complexes at 4149 and 4249 Nobel Drive and replace them with three high-rise residential towers. UCCA understands that this decision will be made without a public hearing and is allowed under Complete Communities.
As announced by DSD on November 17, 2023 in a NOTICE OF FUTURE DECISION, Development Services Department Staff will make a decision to approve, conditionally approve, modify or deny an application for a Process Two, Neighborhood Development Permit to demolish two existing, multi dwelling residential complexes, and build a new, multi-dwelling, high-rise residential development comprised of 3 towers totaling 1315 units and 1350 parking spaces located at 4149-4249 Nobel Drive. The 3.70-acre site is zoned RM-2-5 within the University Plan Area. Council District 6.
The decision by City staff will be made without a public hearing no less than thirty (30) calendar days after the date of mailing the Notice of Future Decision. If you wish to receive a “Notice of Decision,” you must submit a written request to the Development Project Manager listed in the Notice of Future Decision no later than ten (10) business days from the date of this Notice. This project is undergoing environmental review. The decision of the Development Services Department Staff is final unless appealed to the Planning Commission.
For more information, refer to the NOTICE OF FUTURE DECISION dated November 17, 2023, available on the City website at:
- Link to PDF NOTICE OF FUTURE DECISION dated November 17, 2023: https://docs.sandiego.gov/citybulletin_publicnotices/LandUseAndDevelopment/PN%201300%20PRJ-1105930%20NFD%2011-17-2023%204249%20Nobel%20Drive.docx.pdf
- Link to Land Use and Development Notices Page: https://www.sandiego.gov/city-clerk/officialdocs/public-notices
- Link to sign up for DSD Public Notices the University Community Planning Group Area [University: Public Notices & CPG Agendas]: https://bit.ly/DSDPublicNoticeSignup