Planning is underway for the UC Celebration on the 4th of July at Standley Park. Many volunteers are needed to help make this annual event at Standley Park a huge success. If you and your family plan to attend, please also plan to help out. That’s the best way to ensure that your favorite activities are part of this year’s UC Celebration.
To get on the emailing list for meeting notices, please contact chair Randall at: randalltonini@icloud.com
Upcoming meetings of the UC Celebration committee:
- Wednesday, January 31, at 6 pm, via Zoom. Contact Randall at randalltonini@icloud.com for Zoom link.
- Wednesday, February 21 at 5;45 pm via Zoom. Contact Randall at randalltonini@icloud.com for Zoom link.
- Wednesday, March 20 at 6 pm at Standley Recreation Center at 3585 Governor Drive
All meetings are open to the public meeting and anyone with suggestions and an interest in the UC Celebration is urged to attend. The UC Celebration is a fundraiser sponsored by the University City Parks Council and supports the Summer Concerts at Standley Park.