Update 01/11/24: The Zoom Recording of the Tuesday, January 9, UCPG meeting is now available. Please note that although the Zoom audio was operational at the in-person meeting, the Zoom video of the in-person meeting was not operational. Therefore, on the Zoom Recording, you will hear the audio but you will not see the video of the in-person meeting; you will see video and audio those participating via Zoom.
To view the Zoom recording, copy the Passcode; then click on the Zoom recording link and enter the Passcode when prompted.
- Copy this Passcode: *3cav%.r
- Click on Zoom recording link and enter the Passcode when prompted : https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/TW8GQpYrF72qT2El-nqv57abJU_XcgYQPtgRKespCtvRhb8Cs7iPWXkcGERzm6um.6j3a5FnHUWKkkmhX
The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will host its Executive Committee Monthly Meeting in a hybrid format (in-person with Zoom option) on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 6 PM. The in-person location is at 9880 Campus Pointe Drive, Third Floor, Terra Nova Conference Room. The Zoom instructions for the online meeting are on page three (3) of the agenda and at the end of this post. This is a hybrid meeting with the UCPG board required to attend in-person but with the choice to participate in-person or by Zoom for presenters and members of the public. For more information about the UCPG, visit: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
From UCPG Chair Chris Nielsen: Hello, Welcome to 2024, and Happy New Year. We have a short agenda with a few, but necessary, items.
The agenda for January 9, and the minutes for the December 12 UCPG meeting are attached.
- Agenda, January 9: 2024_01_09_Agenda_UC
- Minutes, December 12: 2023_12_12_UCPG_Minutes_Draft
We have a short information item (#7) prepared by the Pure Water Construction group to update us on the project impacts and timetable.
- Item 8 is an update and possible action by the UCPG regarding the new CPG governance documents submitted in December. No competing group filed to represent the University Community, so the UCPG will continue to represent UC under the new Operational Procedures once these have been approved by the City Council. In the meantime, we are to operate under our current bylaws. We may take possible action to form a subcommittee to prepare to operate under these new Operational Procedures.
- Item 9 is an action item announcing the March 2024 UCPG Elections. UCPG elections will take place on March 12, 2024, under our current UCPG bylaws and procedures.
- Candidate announcements for UCPG board seats must be made prior to the end of the UCPG meeting on February 13, 2023. Election procedures will be reviewed, and an Election Subcommittee formed.
- The following seats will be up for election: Georgia Keyser (R1-B), Joann Selleck (R2-B), Alex Arthur (R3-B), Isabelle Kay (R2-C, Termed Out), R1-B (Vacant), B2-B (Vacant), and B3-B (Vacant).
- Candidates have until the end of the February 13, 2024, UCPG meeting to declare their candidacy.
- We expect the Draft University Community Plan Update, with Draft EIR, to be released in the first quarter of 2024. We will discuss the timetable and take possible action to authorize one or more meetings to consider these two documents. At this point, our planning would be preliminary, but it is worthwhile to consider our options.
Adjournment is expected around 7:45.