👋Hello University City neighbor, this message is from outgoing UCCA president Diane Ahern: These are my last few days as UCCA president. Congratulations to UCCA’s new Executive Team – Jemma Samala (president), Jim Beshears (vice-president), Phil Fowler (treasurer), and Katie Rodolico (recording secretary). I’m thrilled that Jemma, a long time University City resident and volunteer with tons of experience, will assume the role of president along with her exec team on December 1. Please read their bios in the November newsletter, page 4; and welcome them when you have a chance. Their email addresses will be in the December newsletter. I will stay on the UCCA board as the Corresponding Secretary and assume the title of Past President.
- Election Notice: UCCA Elects New President and Executive Team
- President’s Message from Jemma Samala: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2023/11/29/december-2023-a-message-from-ucca-president-jemma-samala/

There’s a lot going on in University City and we have a lot to chat about. It’s almost December and we’re looking forward to Winter gatherings with neighbors, families, and friends. Let’s get out there and enjoy the great weather and many community events during Winter in University City.
The December / January University City News PDF version is now available to download and share: universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives. Local delivery begins this weekend. Print copies will be available at our local recreation centers and libraries this weekend. Many thanks to UCCA’s advertisers, UCCA dues-paying members, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, and community contributors and donors for supporting our print newsletter.
December 2023 Save-the-Date:
- December News and Events for University City. Includes holiday celebrations, community meet-ups, library programs, planning group updates, a food drive, holiday safety tips, school and garden club news, and much more. Details at: universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives
- Winter Festival Events in San Diego. The City of San Diego offers a variety of fun-filled winter holiday-themed events at local recreation centers citywide. Whether in the snow, a movie, holiday crafts or cookies with Santa Claus, there’s something for everyone to enjoy! Details at: sandiego.gov/winterfestival
- Friday, December 1: University City News (print newsletter) December Edition is available as a PDF at: universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/; print copies also available at our local libraries and recreation centers. Home delivery begins this weekend.
- Join UCCA Today! : universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/
- Thursday, December 7, Standley Community Recreation Group. For information, call Recreation Center: 858.552.1651
- 🕎🎄Friday, December 8, Holiday Celebration at Standley Park. Details at: universitycitynews.org/UCCA/WinterHolidays2023
- ❄️ Saturday, December 9, Winter Wonderland at Doyle Park. Details at: universitycitynews.org/UCCA/WinterHolidays2023
- Sunday, December 10, People for a Clean UC. Contact Vince at: vfreardon@gmail.com
- Tuesday, December 12, at 6 PM, UCPG (Planning Group). When available, the agenda and details will be posted at: sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
- Wednesday, December 13 – NO formal UCCA meeting; enjoy your Winter Holidays
December Schedules at our Libraries, Parks, and Pools:
- Libraries – University Community and North University – program schedules:
- University Community Library on Governor: https://www.
sandiego.gov/public-library/ locations/university- community-library - North University Library on Judicial: https://www.
sandiego.gov/public-library/ locations/north-university- community-library
- University Community Library on Governor: https://www.
- Pools and Parks and Recreation Centers program schedules:
- Doyle Recreation Center: https://www.sandiego.
gov/park-and-recreation/ centers/recctr/doyle - Nobel Recreation Center: https://www.sandiego.
gov/park-and-recreation/ centers/recctr/nobel - Standley Recreation Center: https://www.sandiego.
gov/park-and-recreation/ centers/recctr/standley - Standley Aquatic Center: https://www.sandiego.
gov/pools/standley-aquatic- center - Swanson Memorial Pool: https://www.sandiego.
gov/pools/swanson-memorial- pool
- Doyle Recreation Center: https://www.sandiego.
January 2024 Save-the-Date:
- Monday, January 1, 2024: Happy New Year!
- Monday, January 1, 2024: UCCA does not print a newsletter in January. Please visit our website for the latest news and information: universitycitynews.org/
- Join UCCA Today! : universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/
- Tuesday, January 9, at 6 PM, UCPG (Planning Group). When available, the agenda and details will be posted at: sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
- Wednesday, January 10, 5:30 PM, UCCA meets at the Library on Governor. This is an in-person meeting. When available, the agenda will be posted at: universitycitynews.org/category/ucca-meeting/
- Sunday, January 14, People for a Clean UC. Contact Vince at: vfreardon@gmail.com
- Tuesday, January 23, Community Plan Update Subcommittee – TBA. For information, visit: https://www.planuniversity.org/
- Thursday, January 25, Standley Community Recreation Group. For information, call Recreation Center: 858.552.1651
Ongoing Events and Training and Networking Opportunities and Save-the-Date:
- Community Plan Update: https://www.planuniversity.org/
- Contact the City: https://www.universitycitynews.org/2023/10/27/contact-us-lets-stay-in-touch-university-city/
- Infrastructure / CIP (capital improvement project) Survey for parks, libraries, bike lanes, rec centers, roads, etc: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/programs/work-programs/infrastructure-prioritization-engagement
- Planning Group Reform and Community Participation and Representation Plan Workshops: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community-plans/cpg/recognition-operations
- Pure Water pipelines construction in University City – Genesee/Governor intersecion, Nobel, Towne Center, Executive: https://www.sandiego.gov/public-utilities/sustainability/pure-water-sd/phase-1-projects/university-city-eastgate-mall/morena-northern-pipeline-alignment-and-tunnels
- Organic Waste Recycling: https://www.sandiego.gov/environmental-services/recycling/sb1383
- Single Use Plastic Reduction Ordinance: https://www.sandiego.gov/environmental-services/recycling/pf-ban
- City of San Diego Agendas and Meetings: https://www.sandiego.gov/citywide-agendas-minutes
In Case We Missed It:
- Please let us know; contact us at: UniversityCityNews@gmail.com or leave us a voice mail at: 858-412-0786
- Refer to current event listings at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/events/
There’s a lot going on in University City and we have a lot to chat about. Let’s get out there! This month, the University City community is host to many events with opportunities to meet up with elected officials, community leaders, neighbors and friends. I hope to see you out and about in University City.
– Diane Ahern, Corresponding Secretary / Past President, University City Community Association
- Voice Mail: 858-412-0786
- Email: UniversityCityNews@gmail.com
Please note: Sometimes things change. Please check the UCCA website and your event organizer for the latest information. Stay safe; stay healthy. Thanks for keeping in touch and helping to make University City more than just a neighborhood.
- Follow us on the News Break app: https://www.newsbreak.com/@c/519870
- Contact us on UCCA: https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/
- Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/universitycitycommunityassociation/
- Follow us on X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/ucca_sd
- Join UCCA: https://www.universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/
To review other recent posts, visit our news feed home page at https://www.universitycitynews.org/