At the November planning group meeting, the MCAS Miramar community plans and liaison officer announced that there are Air Force units scheduled for training with Marine Corps units this month and next.
This means University City community members may see and experience unfamiliar aircraft with an increase in flight operations and flight noise in the University City areas adjacent to MCAS Miramar.
Please contact MCAS Miramar operations duty officer, (ODO) if you have questions about current flight operations: https://www.miramar.marines.mil/Resources/Noise-Complaints/
In other MCAS Miramar news, the MCAS Miramar community plans and liaison officer also announced that her office is arranging for a MCAS Miramar tour and flight operations brief for community members early next year. This community tour is by invitation only and will take place at the air station with commanding officer Colonel Bedell and the flight operations staff. Please contact UCCA’s representative to the MCAS Miramar Community Leaders Forum Diane Ahern through the Citizens Advocating Safe Aviation (CASA) if you’d like to be on the notification list for this opportunity at: citizensadvocatingsafeaviation@gmail.com
For additional MCAS Miramar operations information, see also: https://www.universitycitynews.org/mcas-miramar-operations-information-and-contacts/