Update 10/11/2023: The Zoom Recording of the Tuesday UCPG meeting is now available.
To view the Zoom recording, copy the Passcode; then click on the Zoom recording link and enter the Passcode when prompted.
- Copy the Passcode : U^e185AB
- Click on Zoom recording link and enter Passcode when prompted: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/mDL7exjJDtyRZgXqObAnpbxweZyiDFG-6DWERD1PWSZ7Ff6r72Qf9sLOQe2D6lr3.VmeEP9qusWQDpTOF
The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will host its Executive Committee Monthly Meeting in a hybrid format (in-person with Zoom option) on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, at 6 PM.
The in-person location is at 9880 Campus Pointe Drive, Third Floor, Terra Nova Conference Room. The Zoom instructions for the online meeting are on page three (3) of the agenda.
This is a hybrid meeting with the UCPG board required to attend in-person but with the choice to participate in-person or by Zoom for presenters and members of the public.
From Chris Nielsen, planning group chair: Rather than attach presentation files to my emails, I’m using Google Drive to store these files and providing a link so you can display, download, and/or save them at your discretion. This has the advantage of reducing the size of emails sent to you and eliminating any file size considerations. To access a file, just follow the link provided and it should appear in your browser. The exact steps are dependent on how you access email on your computer.
- The October 10 agenda is found here on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-qBD1JtB0FHZX5t7aL0w_Pkp1_7-mLv-/view
- The October 10 agenda (when posted) is found here on the City website: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas
We have minutes for approval that may be accessed here:
- July 11 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-3CTLwFQpK3a9E6RMqHBLKcyzpWvBaXJ/view?usp=drive_link
- August 1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/14bmXEZH5NRaPt859Pvzxw3BnemN9om_9/view?usp=drive_link
- September 12 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-6NDS8u0sbMB1kBOw_4XB0WKD5DB-QjY/view?usp=drive_link
Item 5: This is an information item presented by the city on a strategy for the public and city employees to access information of all kinds. This includes the information provided by the public by the Get It Done App. This item is being presented prior to reports so city staff can present at multiple meetings on Oct 10.
The presentation is given by this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-ei4gLj3FiM6GH3qB9N5lIYNIVBywfEG/view?usp=drive_link
Item 8: This is an action item to provide Carey Algaze with an excused absence during her upcoming maternity leave, currently planned for November until March with the exact dates to be determined. Under the AB 2449 modification to the Brown Act, she may attend UCPG meetings remotely as a voting member (care of family members rule approved in advance) if she chooses. Chris Nielsen, presenting.
Item 9: This is an information item by the Pure Water group giving a construction update on the project.
Item 10: This is an Action Item. New UCPG governance documents must be submitted to the city by the end of the year. Recognition of the UCPG and approval of the revised governance documents will be by the City Council in early 2024, with the new rules then taking effect. The new documents include 1) Terms and Conditions (bylaws), 2) code of ethical conduct, and 3) participation and representation plan. The T&C (bylaws) document is still being revised but will be available for discussion and modification. Approval of the document package is expected in November.
The proposed UCPG Terms and Conditions document: Not ready yet. It is still being revised.
The city’s “basic” (unmodified) terms and conditions document:
The city’s “basic” guidelines for ethical standards document:
The city’s “basic” participation and representation plan document:
Our current UCPG bylaws: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-GEtMwQdhjKO1IJQRhO2Ymi23NDJDebe/view?usp=drive_link
Item 11: This is an Action Item requested by Power San Diego, a group advocating the placement of a measure on the November 2024 ballot that would replace SDG&E in the City of San Diego by a municipally owned, non-profit power utility. The UCPG may act to modify the accompanying letter and send it to the Mayor and our two councilmembers, it may vote to deny the request to send the letter, or it may vote to continue the discussion to a later meeting. Mark Hughes, presenting.
The presentation may be found here:
Requested letter to the Mayor and councilmembers may be found here:
Item 12: The next UCPG meeting will be November 14. We are likely to have an information item on a Healthpeak R&D project on Torreyana Rd., and we will have the revision of the UCPG governance documents approval on the agenda.
For more information about the University Community Planning Group (UCPG), visit the City website at: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas