Hello University City, October 2023 gets off to a fun and festive start this weekend with the return of Oktoberfest at Standley Park on Saturday, October 7, from 2 to 6 PM. Your friends and neighbors will be there and I hope you will be too! Details about Oktoberfest and posted on the EdUCate! website at: https://uceducate.org/events/oktoberfest/
On Tuesday, October 10, the Planning Group (UCPG) will meet in a hybrid format (in-person with Zoom) option at 6 PM. When available, the details and agenda is posted at: UCPG October 10 2023 Agenda
On Wednesday, October 11, the Community Association (UCCA) will meet via Zoom at 6 PM. Information is available in the October print newsletter (posted at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/).
- Agenda items include updates from legislative leaders, the police and fire department, community representatives, and more.
- We’ll also have an update from the Pure Water construction team with the latest information about Genesee, Nobel, Towne Centre, and Executive.
- The formal agenda for the UCCA meeting, when available, will be posted at: https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucca-meeting/
For Halloween Festivities and more University City Save-the-Date, visit: https://www.universitycitynews.org/UCCA/Oct2023SaveTheDate