Update 08-21-2023 from SDUSD Superintendent Lamont Jackson: It is with gratitude and excitement that I welcome our students to the first day of school on Tuesday, August 22.
I would like to thank everyone for their understanding during the uncertain weather conditions brought on by Hurricane Hilary that delayed the start of the 2023-24 school year by one day.
Our team has been busy evaluating our facilities since the storm arrived in San Diego County. Preliminary reports indicate minimal damage, and we are making any repairs that may be necessary. We look forward to opening schools to welcome all students on Tuesday, August 22.
This new school year promises to be one of growth and accomplishment. San Diego Unified remains committed to the values of equity and belonging, to create conditions for all students to thrive.
I want to thank our students, parents, educators, and staff for bearing with us through this unexpected delay. We look forward with excitement for the start of the 2023-24 school year.
From San Diego Unified School District: San Diego Unified to Postpone First Day of School to Assess Storm Damage and Ensure Student Safety. San Diego Unified School District has announced that the first day of school has been postponed to Tuesday, August 22, 2023.
Postponing the first day will allow us to assess any impacts to schools and district offices, and ensure that we are prepared to welcome our students and families to the new school year. For more information, visit the SDUSD website at: https://www.sandiegounified.org/
From the City of San Diego: All City public facilities will be closed to the public starting on Sunday, August 20. Facilities will remain closed through Monday, August 21, and may reopen on Tuesday, August 22, depending on the storm conditions. For details, visit: https://www.sandiego.gov/storm